Understanding GVWR & Payload
More information will be updated here shortly. We’ll take the five top asked questions and include them below with more information and resources. Check back shortly.
If you have questions, add them in the comments below here as we’ll get to them faster.
Here is a link to spread sheet I created. DISCLAIMER: It’s your responsibility to check the formulas, numbers and data. This sheet does NOT include GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) which is also important to check. If you have suggestions to improve, please comment below.
Would have a link to your spreadsheet, you used in the video.
Nice video thanks!
I’d also like a link to the spreadsheet in the video. Also, if I dont have an RV or. Truck yet, how do you recommend I tow my RV home if I buy the RV first and then shop for an optimal truck to tow it with?
Have the dealership tow it. We did.
In our case, we bought our rig in October and the dealership will keep it for us until spring. That would leave us a good 6 months to shop for a truck… but we already have one 😉 we saw this amazing video too late!
Our neighbor is towing ours home.
Mark mentions gross combined vehicle weight ratio (GCVWR) in one of his videos. This is the true number i used when i determined how much my truck can truly pull. Even though trucks advertise the trailer rating once you subtract the fully loaded trailer weight from GCVWR you’ll have a much better understanding the load specs of the truck you need to buy. I always carry a hand drawn pic of my truck and trailer and shows weight rating of truck axles, trailer axles, GVWR, GCVWR, tow rating and max tongue hitch. It also has the max height of the trailer. Its a great piece of paper to keep in the glove box as reference. Cheers!
That’s backwards and should never be done to keep you and everyone around you alive. you absolutely have to have the proper weight distributing hitch, correct size safety chains, proper brake controller (adjusted properly) and mirrors along with the properly rated tow vehicle before you ever hitch to it. You also have to have a breakaway switch to lock the trailer brakes should it become disconnected from the tow vehicle. you can pick out and purchase an RV, but you will have to get the proper vehicle and equipment before taking it home.
Me too
Would have a link to your spreadsheet, you used in the video.
Nice video thanks!
Cannot find the spreadsheet
If you right click on the GVWR and Payload Calc above and choose “copy link address” and then open a new browser window and paste it there – it will download the sheet.
Me either. It does not open!
Mark, do you have a worksheet that calculates this for a 5th wheel? I assume it would be different because of pin weight vs hitch weight?
When you download it the formulas don’t appear to transfer with the sheet
What were the numbers for your half-ton?
I was thinking the same thing. Didn’t you just pull the same trailer several thousand miles with an F150? Did it ever feel unsafe? It just doesn’t seem right that that the F250 diesel is not capable enough to pull a 28′ trailer.
The payload for f250 4wd diesel crewcab is less than f150 4wd crewcab.
How can i download Excel sheet?
The spreadsheet would save me so much time….. please help.
Loved the video about this GCVWR. One question. What are you going to do? I just purchased a 2015 ecodiesel and have ran into a very similar situation. We wanted to by a new trailer and now were possible looking for a different truck. Thanks for the video.
How can I get a copy of the excel spreadsheet??
Could you share a copy of the excel spreadsheet? Thanks for working in your Dreams and sharing your inspiration>
Link is above.
Getting a corrupt file message when I try to open it.. Not sure if it’s me or the actual file.. ?
Did you get this to work? Would love to take a look at this!
hello chris as of today I was able to download the file above just right click on the link and open it in new tab, thank you.
I’m not able to get the link to work either, whether right-clicking or not.
And wouldn’t you know, as soon as I submitted the comment I got the download to work!
You may want to try a different browser. The file showed corrupt for me in Google Chrome but I was able to open it with MS Edge (MS Explorer).
Hey Mark, I don’t understand the new GVWR numbers. The more cargo I add to the to the vehicle, the better the GVWR numbers get. Is that correct?
The link is not working for me either. I used it about a year ago, no problem.
Worked for me.
I thought your spreadsheet was pretty cool but I thought an app on your smartphone to carry with you to the RV or truck dealer would be great. So I started looking at apps to see what is available. Came across one that looks promising – RV Tow Check. They also have applications for 5th wheels and camper-trucks. See their site at fifthwheelst.com. I am not pushing this because I don’t need it just yet but will this late summer.
It has been over three years since you wrote your comment. A lot has change. The RV Tow Check app is now available at the app stores to install on mobile devices. The RV Tow Check is still the only app that uniquely complies with the SAE J2807 trailer weight rating (TWR) calculation methodology. Unfortunately, all the other apps available for free on the internet fail to comply with SAE J2807 trailer weight rating (TWR) calculation methodology for fifth wheel and conventional trailers. People get what they pay for.
Loved the post .. great job.
Do a little more reading on “with properly configured 5th wheel hitch”
When considering pulling a fifth wheel the tongue weight transfers to the axle directly (if standard length bed) short bed may place the the hitch slightly behind the axle. Trailer hitch weight rating you where quoting contemplates a bumper pull ratings …. this is due to the moment of the bumper pull hitch transferring more weight to the rear axle by unloading the front axle — the fifth wheel connection places the weight on the rear axle without unloading the front axle so that more usual distribution results in greater towing contemplating GCVW — however very smart that you recognized that most RV companies basically supply you a travel trailer that is at its capacity EMPTY — we do hurricane support and due to this fact we have converted refrigerated semi trailers into RV so that capacity is not an issue — this also eliminated our wheel and tire and bearing issues —
Keep up the good work — understanding the fifth wheel connection may allow you pull a slightly larger fifth wheel that you though and keep your truck legal
So funny yesterday i drove to the local Cat scale to check it out so i can take the 5ver over and get it weighed next week on the way out of town. As i was walking around checking it out, i remembered you saying you were going to do a video on weight but i couldn’t remember when you were doing it, so i come home and bam! Your right on time Marc thanks.
Hey guys,
I have been watching a few of your videos and they are very well done. On your most recent video there is a very easy fix to your rig. It appears you are calculating for a 15% tongue weight. If you were to continue using your weight distribution hitch, your tongue weight will easily drop closer to 10% (where it should be). This will allow you to pull your rig within the limits. At times when you are going through areas of high wind and or snow you can simply move more weight to the front of the rig in order to allow for more tongue weight which in turn should minimize sway. Thus inabling more control.
Hi Thanks for all your videos. The’re helping me a lot. I just looked at your PAYLOAD PROBLEMS: HOW MUCH CAN I (REALLY) TOW? RV Truck & Trailer video. It is most interesting And I like your payload calc sheet. Still. Since you’re in English and I am a French Canadian, I was wondering if there is a list of all your “acronymes” somewhere. They are not that easy to remember in a foreign language. I guess I’ll have to look at your video many times to make it right in my mind.
Thanks your most helpfull to me
Allen & Claudine
Correction. I first opened the calc file with numbr from my Ipad and there were no comments then I opend it with Excel on my Macbook and it showed all the comments with acccronymes. Thanks , my appologies
Yes great video. Been learning all of this before we venture out hopefully this year. Couple questions so I’m clear. You said you Cat weighed truck. Asumming you had full tank fuel. Seems curb weight on door would be without fluids. Fuel does have some weight. I have same truck as you without that 48 gallon tank. Wish I could have gotten it but wasn’t going with 8 ft bed. Funny when you unveiled new truck. I had just got mine a few weeks earlier. Same color. Just not moon roof. So it looks like my truck traveling with you. LOL. I acually have another hundred and something pound cargo probably because I’m at the Lariat value only package. But anyways. Did you weigh Ginger and are those weights on spreadsheet those with true tongue hitch weight or were you using Ginger sticker numbers. Asking because I’m understanding that the hitch weight should be 10 to 15 trailer weight. So if Ginger is 10900 seems that you should be closer to 1100 hitch which puts you under even with that 300 cargo in truck. Know this is just my head trying to wrap it around this. Seems just shifting some trailer weight and how in the world you would ever really know the hitch weight with a tongue scale to see how the trailer is balanced when pulling off. My friend has one of those scales on hitch which seems usefu but I don’t think I’ve seen one that incorporates the WDH. Lits to learn. Thank for taking the time to help the rest of us. Love your channel as always.
You might want to get the information about CDL requirements when towing. Each state is starting to regulate this also for all Commercial and non-commercial. Checkout YouTube channel “Big truck Big RV” he has a video titled -You’re illegally driving & towing your class A or C…..
The main thing states are looking for is GVWR. 3/4 ton rated at 26,000 lbs. very simple here. 10,000 vehicle gross weight vs GVWR of rig your hauling. Gives you 16,000 to pull (GVWR).
Anything over 26,000 total you’re required to have a CDL drivers license. That’s what their really looking for!!
Total newbie here – really enjoy the information being provided, great things that I will take into consideration. Really appreciate the excel tool also.
My biggest questions are about the payload – I see that with your initial setup with your rig, with your estimated passenger and cargo weight, you were actually exceeding the payload capacity of your rig – entirely because of the hitch weight. So, how important is staying under the payload capacity? Did you ever encounter problems caused by exceeding the payload capacity? And most importantly, why does the trailer’s hitch weight impinge solely on the gvwr/payload of the towing vehicle, rather than just being considered part of the gross weight of the trailer? Why is my GVWR lower than my axle rating?
Thank you very much for this video. I feel that everyone that tows should have the excel payload calculator. I plan on using it to figure our travel trail to our F150. What I do twice a year is to weigh everything I put into the RV. We added stabilizer bars, We had a bar welded between the I beams with a 2″ receiver for our bikes. That all adds to the weight. It is also a joy to watch your family and the place that someday my wife and I want to visit. Take care and always be safe and be careful.
great job on the excel model! very helpful. thanks.
Hi, is there a spread sheet for truck campers, or a way to modify this one to work?
Thanks ~ Jim
Hi Jim – PLEASE, if you haven’t yet, check Truck Camper Magazine online (Truckcampermagazine.com). They have excellent information on all aspects of what you need to know before buying a camper OR truck!! Don’t forget that your cargo weight will also include the water you carry in your tanks, too!
Great Video. I am curious what your numbers were with your F150?? You towed it all over the country. Did you ever have to pull into a scale?
Fantastic. Thanks for providing the spreadsheet along with clarifying all the numbers and what they mean.
HI, I’ve put my truck and trailer info into your spreadsheet and im confused by one result and that is the GCVWR (the allowed combined weight of truck and trailer as listed in the truck manual). My truck GVWR is 6900 and trailer GVWR is 7500 total = 14400 lb which is actually over the allowed GCVWR which i found on line to be 14150 lb (when i bought the trailer i didn’t know there was a combined weight limit and its not listed on truck spec label) Now going by your spreadsheet it says my GCVWR is 13344 lb, inside my limit but your formula takes away the hitch weight but this is just part of the total trailer weight of 7500 and cant be taken away from the total weight, or have i just missed something as i usually do?
I’m still learning about all this stuff, but I think I can answer your question (though 2 1/2 years later).
The hitch weight counts against tow vehicle payload because that’s weight from the trailer that is transferred to the tow vehicle (since the trailer’s GVW is split between its axle(s) and the hitch).
Thanks Marc for your spreadsheet! We have been waiting for something like this to verify our thoughts and calculations.
Thank you for this information!!
Thanks for providing your excel sheet. I’m scared to enter the data but I think I probably should. Lots of great information. Thanks again!
Cannot get the spread sheet to download.
Thanks for the vid, VERY Good Info.
Never mind, got it.
How did you get it to download? All i get is the sheet, but i cant fill it in?
Chrome was not working for me. I used another browser and it downloaded fine.
Thank you finely someone made this easy to understand and to be able to make smart decisions where picking a tow vehical.
Check out the Automated Safety Hitch (www.automatedsafetyhitch.com)
if you want to get the 5th wheel of your dreams and stay safe.
Tossing an advertisement for a questionable product into the comments for a video, without even explaining how you think this massive chunk of hardware would help the issues discussed in the video, is the kind of slimy behaviour that would keep me from buying anything from this manufacturer.
DEFINATELY check out the Automated Safety Hitch. It does so much more than just safely increase your towing capability.
Check out the history of this company (Automated Safety Hitch went bankrupt–the new manufacturer is called Safety Towing Systems Inc.) and its lead guy (Joe Jamieson) very thoroughly if you are thinking of buying one of these things. Check the BBB, RV forums, etc. You will find that people have had problems with paying in advance and not receiving their equipment, not getting what they ordered, putting units for sale by consignment with the company and never getting paid, etc. Ask yourself why the website for Safety Towing Systems still shows the picture of the old facility in Sanger TX when the company moved to Gainesville months ago. See if you can find out how many full-time employees the company actually has. Look into support. When we had ours, that was calling Joe Jamieson and hoping he was still alive and not in the hospital (happened once) and that he could walk you through fixing whatever is wrong yourself. Think about trying to sell one of these things if you no longer want it. What is the resale value? Even if you can sell it, how are you going to get it to someone who lives several states away? (And don’t even think about asking Jamieson to sell it for you on consignment–boy do I have a sad story about that.) Hundreds of thousands of people haul 5th wheel trailers without an Automated Safety Hitch. Think about how many 5th wheel trailers you have seen out on the road and in RV parks and ask yourself why, if the ASH is so great, you don’t see more of them. Do you really need to spend more than $10,000 on one of these? Maybe it would be smarter to put that money toward a more capable truck and/or a lighter trailer.
My wife and I almost ready to retire and go fulltime. I have a 2015 f 250 gas V8 with 3.73 rear axle. We are looking at the grand design 315rls. Hope our truck can handle the same trips you guys took .
Thanks for this video. May be the best one I have seen on this subject!
While I liked the video you forgot one other important detail and that is the class of hitch for tongue weight and pull capacity. While the truck may handle it will the hitch? Class 3 and class 5 have big differences and also the proper receiver.
The hitch classes are just weight rating ranges; obviously you need a suitably rated hitch, and that’s not what the video is about.
The hitch classes are defined by VESC V-5 and SAE J684, and neither includes a Class 5. “Class 5” is just a marketing term used by some hitch manufacturers, and doesn’t really mean anything.
Thank you? I too will be going thru this exercise.
Thanks for putting this together. This is new to me and it seems that for the truck, there are five numbers to be concerned about, GAWR (axle wt rating), towing capacity, hitch weight, payload and GCVWR.
GAWR is shown on the sticker by the VIN. Payload is shown on the same sticker as tire pressure values. The Axle Code (used to determine GCVWR) is on the sticker by the VIN.
(1.) Hitch weight of the trailer should not exceed the hitch weight rating of the truck AND (2.) hitch weight plus actual payload should not exceed the Payload value on the tire sticker.
Towing capacity, ie, GCVWR (gross combined vehicle weight ratio) is determined by first getting the truck’s Axle Code from the sticker by the VIN then going onto the web and on the manufacturer’s towing guide, looking up the truck’s towing capacity by using the Axle Ratio & the truck’s cab (reg, crew or extended), bed (std or long) and engine values.
Unless you have actual numbers from weighing the trailer, use the trailer’s GVWR as the towing weight and ignore the UVW (unloaded vehicle weight).
I’m amazed that the limits of a 3/4 ton truck can be exceeded when pulling a 28 foot trailer.
Hey Marc,
Thanks for the great spreadsheet. We are pulling a Lance 1685 which is a much smaller rig than yours with a 2016 Tundra and have no problems according to your calculator.
As far as your problem goes, I was wondering whether you are sure about the hitch weight of 1400 lbs you were using for Ginger. I was very surprised to see a hitch weight that high for a 28 ft TT. I was looking at some specs for older 28ft Heartlands and didn’t see anything above about 750. Not sure just which Heartland you’ve got. Anyway, you might want to check out that spec again.
Oops. I meant Northland, not Heartland. So many trailers, soooo little time.
BTW – All the articles I read on hitch weight specify it is usually 10-15% of the UVW of the trailer. If that holds true for your Northland, the hitch weight should be in the 550-700 range. Frankly, making a 28 ft TT with a 1400 lb hitch weight wouldn’t be a very efficient rig to sell. It would mean that it would take up all the payload on a 1/2 ton pickup and most of it on 3/4. Not to mention the safety concerns.
I agree. 1400lbs is a lot for that size trailer. My 31ft Springdale only has a hitch weight of 760lbs. I think thats a typo on the manufacturers site perhaps if thats where he got it.
Hitch weight increases with the weight you add to the trailer. 10%-15% of the loaded trailer weight. Plus you have to add in the weight of the propane, batteries and WD hitch itself all right on the tongue. that’s a couple hundred pounds right there.
Our trailer is 860lbs on the tongue, dry, before you factor in any of that stuff. All loaded up and a full water tank and we’re all of a sudden over 1200lbs on the tongue on ours.
When looking at the numbers most half ton trucks can’t tow anywhere near as much as people think they can. And 3/4 tons can max out very quickly and can only tow small 5th wheels.
Marc, that is my thoughts also, that hitch rating you have seemed excessive by at about 400 Lbs, it should run 10 to 15% of your loaded trailer. The dry weight is normally in that percentage . My thinking is, leave some gear home, don’t carry full water, and move 40% of your load rear of the axle. ( including items in the truck bed.) as long as you don’t exceed the axel ratings. Would that not be more practical, and provide better braking in the trailer. I was freaking out that my new truck was mismatched to “light weight 30 ft”. You definitely got us thinking, I’ve located scales ..first stop on our next trip,
The video clearly shows that Ginger has an unloaded weight of 6,400 pounds, so 10 to 15% of that would be 640 to 960 pounds… but a trailer is never towed dry and empty. It has a GVWR of 10,900 pounds, so if fully loaded a 10 to 15% tongue weight would be 1090 to 1635 pounds. 1400 pounds is high in the range of possibilities, but not unreasonable.
George, how could you possibly get 55o to 700 pounds as the tongue weight range for this trailer?
Just re-checked that video, and he says that the trailer’s gross weight was 9,200 pounds. That’s a lot of options, fluids, and contents in a trailer with a 6,400 pound UVW, but plausible. A 1400 pound tongue weight would then be 15.2% of GVW… not unreasonable at all.
Yes, shifting stuff in the trailer could bring the tongue weight down, possibly at the expense of stability depending on what it moved to where; for instance, at 10% it would be 920 pounds. The tongue weight even empty will never be close to 550 pounds, and the tongue weight which matters (as loaded) will be well over 700 pounds and for many owners 1400 pounds is not unreasonable.
I love to find out more about that hitch weight. I see a lot of 1/2 ton towing 28 to 32 travel trailer. 1400 lb
Seems to heavy for that unit. Please keep us posted on that !
Thanks and we love your videos !
I agree with the above post. It seems the young weight Used in the video was too high. For Ginger. We tow a Bullet Premier 31BPHR with an 2015 Expedition EL and have had no issues yet. Knock on Wood!! I’m going to plug our numbers into the spreadsheet tonight to see if we are safe.
I agree. 1400 lbs hitch weight seems awfully high for a travel trailer.
More good information can be found at the RV Safety Education Foundation website, rvsafety.com.
At the end of the video you posed a question about your setup, but did not answer the question. Will you be buying a new truck?
We really enjoy your channel! This video was so informative, especially to new travel trailer owners. Used your calculation worksheet and plugged in all the information. We are safely within the limits with lots to spare. Love watching your adventures and family. Enjoy your travels! Can’t wait for your next video.
I think the Excel sheet will be valuable. I’ll check it out with my 19 foot Fleetwood, calculating its’ weight for water, batteries, propane tanks and other add on items forward of the trailer wheels (for tongue weight) and adding everything else (clothes, fishing gear, food, generator) to Total Trailer weight.
Mark, Thank you for taking the time to walk us through these calculations. It can be very confusing. I think one ( of many ) critical points you made is being pulled over at a check point. I double checked my truck and trailer and we’re in good shape. I would still like to upgrade my truck someday from a heavy 1/2 to to a 3/4 ton for the heavy duty brakes and roaters. Al
Marc: Concise explanation, plus a very useful spreadsheet. All good things to consider before hitting the road – each year!!
Yikes! I just bought the 3/4 ton truck. Next will be the RV. I hope I can find what I like AND I hope the truck matches up.
Im curious what your thoughts are on adding air bags? Does this increase your towing capacity?
Axle capacities on these trucks, especially the rear axle, have increased capacity that can be tapped into with higher load rated tires/wheels. Factory numbers factor in low rated factory tire ratings attached to the axles. I also have a 2017 Ford F250 regular bed with the 6.7. I tow a 35 foot toyhauler and upgraded the wheels and tires. I also added firestone airbags with remote onboard air to assist with the payload.
This is gonna suck for my 1500
Thank you for the great video and awesome spreadsheet. I punched in our numbers and found out where we are and where we need to be. We’re one month in (total newbies) and we and appreciate you taking the time to explain this important topic and creating a simple way to calculate weights. This will also come in handy when we’re ready to upgrade. . .
Thanks again!
I found this website a little while ago. It takes all kinds of info about your truck and trailer, and tells you whether or not you’re within your weight ratings. It was really helpful to me. https://www.ajdesigner.com/apptrailertow/weightdistributionhitch.php
Great video and information.
I have been following ya’ll for awhile, love you channel!!
Me and my wife are in the process of getting our first RV, we are having a really hard time making a decision.
I currently have a 2016 F150 extra cab 4×4 (that i am making payments on). We are trying to decide between a bumper pull (2018 Lance 2285 27ft) and a small motorhome (2018 winebego 24j on the sprinter diesel mercedez chassis).
I am concerned with the hassel of the trailer while traveling. I know it will be great when you get to a destination and drop it at a camp. But just think it would not be good in Walmart parking lots (or many other similar travel type areas).
The small sprinter based motorhome seems it would be great for me and my wife, just three times as expensive.
The Lance trailer is 38k, the motorhome is 110k.
Thinking about selling the f150, buying a used two door jeep as a toad, and getting the motorhome. The motorhome payment would not be much more than the f150 (since they finance for 20 years). I anticipate i will use it for a few years, and trade it or sell it and just take the hit in deprecation (which all Rvs and vehicles depreciate like a rock).
Sorry for the long rant.
Really would value your opinion on the truck trailer vs the small motorhome scenerio for me and my wife!!
Thanks again, love your channel!!!!
Thank you!! Will be plugging in the numbers to be sure our truck will handle the new 5th wheel. Now I understand why you were questioning the truck in our prior convo 🙂
Very good information thanks for the video that explains what’s going on. I shared this video on a Facebook group I follow called RV Tips where this conversation comes up a lot with very mixed opinions, I think a lot of people have overloaded tow vehicles. I’m in the same boat as you with a 2017 f250 platinum diesel and love this truck pulling a 30 ft 5th wheel and I’m right on the line or a little over the cargo weight. I wish this video was available a year ago. I’m getting ready to bite the bullet and put out the money for my mistake and trade for a 350 dually and be done with it. Ford dealerships should make this video a suggestive watch to all new truck buyers. Keep up the great, work my wife and I can’t wait till the next weekly video is released, we keep says they should make a reality show of y’alls travels.
Stay safe my friend, we’ll see you down the road
Gary Elkins
Wow! Great spreadsheet!
When I saw how your numbers rolled out I became concerned about how my new rig would do. I had concerns already because we are new and I was not sure if we got the right combination of vehicles. We have a 2018 Jayco 29RLDS GVWR 9250lbs and a 2018 Ford F150 3.5 Ecoboost with the max tow package. When I researched all the information from Ford and Jayco and plugged the numbers into you spreadsheet we got all green lights. Whew! As we are planning our first long trip in a week or so I am relieved and feel much better about our choices.
Thank you very much for your explanation video and all your work on the spreadsheet.
We really have enjoyed all your videos and have learned a lot, keep up the good work.
Thanks Marc
You guys rock and we appreciate all the info and videos you share.
My husband and I are in Tucson and heading out full time in about a year. I love your videos but this one was so important as we make our truck and trailer decisions. Thank you so much!!
Thank you for sharing your spreadsheet. I’ve been meaning to do. I have a 2014 Chevy Silverado LTZ Dually and have a few years left on payments. Once finished, I plan to purchase the rig my truck can handle, so thank you for sharing your spreadsheet. Have fun out on the road. I hope to meet you out there one day.
Very helpful info and something can be complex. Since my setup is similar to your old truck. Do you have the specs on that? Also, does your new truck pull that much better that you find it worth the cost difference from the old?
Thanks for the videos and sharing the payload spreadsheet.
My wife and I started talking about getting a Toy Hauler after buying a SXS in 2015. Watching your videos made that Toy Hauler desire even stronger. We also picked out the Grand Design Momentum 351M. I thought I would be fine with my 2012 F350 SRW diesel until I started confirming the numbers as you did. A dually will be required if the 351M were loaded to the maximum or near maximum as my current F350 would be significantly over in a few categories. Thanks for actually running the numbers instead of the “everyone else is doing it so it must be fine” approach.
A comment that might warrant additional information from you. You referred to a Grand Design trailer and pulled their numbers for the GVWR and Hitch Weight from their brochure / website. My experience is that the hitch weight on these is seldom close to reality, that they take the unloaded weight and maybe apply 20%. Reality is that you will tow closer to the GVWR and that the hitch weight will be between 20 and 25%. So that 16,500 GVWR trailer you used as an example would likely have a hitch weight between 3,300 and 4,124, well above what they showed on their website. Which impacts the payload number significantly that you claimed was the most important number.
Hi from canada Cannot get the spread sheet to download.
Thanks for the VERY Good Info. can you email it
I found it in the downloads thanks
Thank you for the informative video. Our current trailer only has a GVRW or 4000lbs, so we are at the point now where we need to weigh it and see what the unloaded weight is.
For our truck, when we bought it, the door sticker had been removed. I have had to reference trailerlife (dot) com (Slash) trailer-towing-guide to find rating info a few times.
Got a little geeky here….and I loved it! Thanks for the great info! Can’t wait to plug my data in for my current truck/boat AND a future trailer purchase(?).
My husband and I are using your spreadsheet to check the capacity of our tow vehicle–which isn’t a truck. Cell C20 doesn’t seem to be a calculation that does anything. The formula appears to put whatever is entered into C9 into this cell. The IF statement doesn’t have any other computations. Is it meant to provide Excess Towing Capacity?? We’re not sure what your intention was.
I know it’s two years later, but we’re trying to use the calculator, and finding the same thing. The red X and green check mark change, depending on the range of numbers put in C9 – but thats it.
For some reason I am still not able to figure this out. I would sincerely appreciate some help with the calculations before I purchase a trailer that is too heavy for my tow vehicle. I did this once and do not want to make the same mistake twice. My truck is a 2017 Ford F150 2.7 ecoboost with the 3.55 gears. According to the Ford towing guide I should have a towing capacity of 7600 lbs. The sticker says the GVWR is 6500 lbs. The payload is 1533. The passenger and cargo weight will be about 775 lbs. The trailer I am interested in is a Rockwood 2606wS with a hitch weight of 864 lbs., uvw of 6036 lbs. and ccc of 1828 lbs. Thanks so much!
Thank you for taking the time to go over all the information reguarding tow vehicles and rvs. Your travels have inspired me to want see our wonderful country all it has to offer. I am planning to begin my adventure this fall. Won’t the sales person be surpised when a grandmother walks in to the car dealership and the rv dealership knowing what questions to ask.
Thanks For the great info and spreadsheet, I used it and confirmed I’m good to go. But will have to upgrade truck before we upgrade trailer 🙂
What really is the hitch weight listed for an RV? It is what it would be with the trailer fully loaded to the GVWR? I’ve read statements that the hitch weight is usually 15-20% of the trailer’s weight. Did you actually weigh Ginger’s tongue with the trailer fully loaded? Quite curious. Based on your calcs, it doesn’t look like there’s a fifth wheel toy hauler that our 2500HD Duramax could legally tow. That’s astonishing.
Thank you for this! you are absolutely correct, and will pass the video on to our customers!
Payload capacity for a fifth wheel and hitch weight for a travel trailer are they the same thing?
Used the spreadsheet tonight…plugged my numbers in a wiped sweat from my brow as I came in under weight. Thanks for this. Such a great resource that I’ll be referring people to,
The spreadsheet is sweet, and help me understand the calcs I did before I bought my F150 with max tow package, eco boost etc. All lined up. Did some research,and found 3 things that I think are critical in trailer design and loading.1. Hitch weight is calculated from simple ratio of the length of the box and the distance from the front axle to the rear of the trailer .it can very wildly by design. 2. The trailer has a Cargo Capacity rating, GVWR less the propane, battery and water capacity to let you know what you can actually add. 3. How you load the cargo is as important as weight as it effects actual payload on the truck, right and left loading of the trailer suspension, and sway. So my question….do levelizing hitches not ensure the Gross Combined Weight is equal across all axles. Or have I followed the rabbit down the rabbit hole????.
Hi Marc,
Thank you for the spreadsheet walkthrough, You made this data geek proud. Now after using spreadsheet, it will provide the justification for upgrading tow vehicle from a .5 ton.
Love watching your adventures and hope we cross paths ahead.
A great big thank you for the spreadsheet. This has been very helpful for me to figure out what I really can tow.
I once spoke to you about this subject before you bought this new truck. I sent you video on use of air bags vs weight distribution which goes with this information. I didn’t catch where you mentioned to also compare axle weight and how to distribute weight, and other towing accessory ratings. However good job on relaying how incorrectly towing could be putting others and yourself at risk. Legally and well if you didn’t say the negative effects of improper towing.
Very good presentation!! My problem is my truck is SO old that I’m having problems finding out stuff for a 2000 F250 super cab gas V8 with a 3.73 rear axle. They start rolling stuff off the web when vehicles gets a touch old – anyway my trailer seems to tow okay and with 60,000 miles (yes really) I’ll just keep going on. Thanks again for some great info!
Above 5,000 pounds Ford recommends use of a WDH when towing a bumper pull such as with your 9,200 pound Ginney. When useing a WDH your hitch weight is spread between both your truck axles toward your GVWR AND your TT axles. This means to find your actual legal seen TW it must be done on a scale. IE the math you used to determine that you were 280 pounds over is wrong and your resulting assumption may be as well. For towing stability & safety you want a TW between 10 & 15 percent. A fully utilized WDH would bring your actual seen by the scales legal TW to 920 pounds. (10 percent of 9,200) Even adding your estimated cab & bed load weights 695 & 300 pounds only brings your towing payload ie GVWR to 9,800. It’s a common mistake but not one that you want to inadvertently lead others to make. Please correct your video.
THANK YOU! I’ve been reading articles and watching vids online about this very topic and walk away feeling just as unsure as before. And you spoke the language of my heart, Marc!! Spreadsheets! Haha!
We have a 2017 Dodge Ram 3500 6.7 liter, 8′ bed, extended cab. We knew we wanted a fifth wheel, had been looking for a couple of years, and knew that the manufacturer I wanted to buy from (local) builds heavier rigs.
Last weekend we picked up our 30′ (really 35′) fiver which has a maximum trailer weight of 15,000.
And all I keep hearing when I ask is, “You have a 1 ton, don’t worry about it.” Or, “Unless you’re loading your fiver with cast iron pans throughout – don’t worry about it.” Gosh, don’t worry – like I’ve never heard that before. 😉
I’m not worrying so much as I am feeling uncomfortable because I do not understand. I just loaded up the rig with our kitchen, bath, and bedding supplies. Husband has started loading the exterior storage with tools, chairs – you know, heavier stuff. And I wonder….
So we’ll head over to a scale and with your handy-dandy spreadsheet, get clear about the actual weights we are dealing with. Thanks again!!! I’ll be watching this video again, I’m sure!
I planned on getting a f-350 super duty dually pickup truck with a slide in camper, and pull a 45′ enclosed trailer.
Another great video! Well done.
Thank for the spreadsheet, saved me quite a bit of time to build one.
By those numbers Lily (our 182g RPod) and Rubert (our 2017 Tacoma w/tow package) are a great pairing.
I felt they were by my rough numbers. Good to see these confirm that!
In my opinion, don’t trust the manufacturers tow guide. For my 2015 f150 the guide shows a towing capacity of 8900 lbs. But the GVWR listed on the truck is actually 7050 lbs. So there is a 1850 lb difference. The f150 pulls our 5th wheel OK, but an f250 in in our future.
Hi guys, the wife and I enjoy your videos as we get ready to hit the road. I bought a Silverado 2500hd with the Duramax. I couldn’t believe it when I finally looked at the payload limit listed on the door. We were going to get the GD Solitude 310gk, toung weight about 2450 lbs. Not going to work. Now maybe the Reflection 303RL 1650 lbs toung weight. To bad these lesson’s cost so much. The question I have is, were you legal towing with the half ton. So I guess what I have learned, is look at the payload max weight limit listed on the door ! Keep up the good work and enjoy.
Thanks Steve Thomas
Seems that the hitch weight of the trailer will be affected by the stuff in the trailer (about 10-15% of the actual weight if the trailer)? And the quoted hitch weight is probably done for UVW? And rhaer would then be a knock-on effect on the available cargo capacity? Thanks.
Hey, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all this information. We are about to move across country (from New Orleans to Seattle) and we have always wanted to get an RV. We decided now was the time and found a really good deal on a 2012 Chevy Silverado 2500 HD 4X4 full cab in excellent condition. But it was only after I purchased it I found out it was not, by far, the best truck for towing. Our truck neither has the diesel engine or the rear end ratio best for towing – we therefore bought the 2012 Chevy Silverado 2500 with the least towing capacity! Live and learn. But, your video helped us choose a travel trailer well within its towing specs (a 2018 Sunset Trail Grand Reserve 28 BH). I appreciated having your excel spreadsheet as a tool. The salesman did indeed try to say we could pull one with a full extra room (Sunset Superlite SS330BH) based on its dry weight. But we didn’t go for it even though the extra bedroom would have been nice based on the towing capacity of our truck. The one we got will be fine. We have two teens versus three. So our family weight is a little less but I had to add on the camper shell weight I am putting on the back of the pickup. We have the truck, pickup the travel trailer next Monday, and take off for the Pacific Northwest in June. Long after the move we are hoping for many vacations in the travel trailer. I really appreciate all the helpful information in your videos. You have a new regular subscriber now.
All the best,
The Paine Family
New Orleans, LA
Great information. I have been struggling with the calculations for a month.
Interested to know what you did in regards to you being over payload. Looks like I’m over payload of 450lbs on the advertised dry hitch pin weight of a 5th wheel. I have a F350 single rear wheel, standard bed. Its almost to the point that the only thing to properly haul would be a dually.
Awesome tool, THANK-YOU!
Great video! I started out with this formula that I had gotten off of RVForum.Net and your video mirrors that(numbers aren’t actual) , plus, your video helped my wife to understand it. We’ve gotten so much info from your youtube videos etc. Thanks!
Here&’s the response showing the calculations:
Don’t forget to add the weight of people, fuel, stuff and the tongue weight of the trailer to the curb weight of the tow vehicle. Also add the weight of any water, propane and stuff to the weight of the trailer. Our towing experts here also recommend giving yourself a 10% cushion, or 15-20% if towing in the western mountains
Tow vehicle
Curb weight = 4823 lbs
2 people = 320
Fuel = 180
Stuff = 50
Trailer tongue weight = 580
Total laden weight = 5953 (GVWR = 6400)
Dry weight = 4499 lbs
Water = 400
Propane = 80
Stuff = 500
Total weight of trailer = 5479 (GVWR = 6158)
Gross combined weight = 5593 + 5479 – 580
= 10852 (GCWR = 14000)
Downloaded the file, but when I open Excel, all I get is a blue screen in Excel
See my comments posted in your video.. I think your sheet is wrong and doesn’t account for things..
Your sheet shows me 310lbs over payload when in fact I have 500 lbs to spare
I tripled checked the formulas, but I have not ideas if they get changed or the right numbers get plugged in, which is why I had the disclaimer. If you’re good with your numbers, that’s all that matters.
Well My comments in the video were that 3 weights are needed for actual TW.. Use this calculator here.
This also accounts for the WD hitch. The object of the WD hitch is only to try to restore the front axle to original ride height/weight with truck weighed empty. The rear will follow with what ever it is.
And as a truck driver we go by axle rates.
As far as your complicated explanation goes, forget all that nonsense. Go by the axle rates of the truck period. You made it way too complicated.
6340 lb rear axles as you stated on your door tag . Subtract that from your scale weight of truck alone with full tank of fuel, and all passengers in truck and gear when towing. That is your true payload.
Just like tractor trailers they go by axle weights.
Do this calculation and post back you’ll be surprised.
And all the WD is supposed to do is restore the front end back to truck only scale weight without going over, or as close as you can. Most heavy trailers and WD hitch can only be set max head tilt and a certain chain setting with bars parallel, and that’s the best you can do.
You need the right size WD bars also. You should have 1400 lb minimum bars with what your trailer TW is….
I would probably have 1700 lbs bars – 2000lb if it were my truck..
So with the calculator above and going by your axle ratings what do you get?
Just curious to see these #’s compared to your spread sheet.
Example: I can change my GVWR of my truck in your spread sheet to reflect my axle rates. This increases on my truck from a GVWR of 6900 to 7675.
My tires are rated @ 4600 lbs per axle. ( Remember the tires carry the load)
But your spread sheet does not change my payload when this adjustment is changed.
For DOT purposes its your axle rates you can go up to without going over.
To get TW you take scale weights from front and rear axles of truck alone. Add them together.
FA 4600
RA 3300
= 7900 lbs
Then take scale weight of truck and trailer with WD unhooked.
FA 4100
RA 4900
= 9000
TT ( trailer not important but) 5800
Take 9000 – 7900
= 1100 lb TW @ TW% 16 ( You want 10-15% ideally)
there any chance you could post spreadsheet as an xls?
Unfortunately my version of excel is older and and won’t open xlsx. I don’t want to incur cost to get newer version.
Very good video, I wished I would have noticed the link to your spread sheet before I made my own!!!!! A little excel practice is always useful said no one ever!!!
I thank you so much for the time you put into the video and the spread sheet. It is so mind boggling when researching this information. I appreciate what you do for your followers.
Thanks, Joyce!
So, if my pickup is stickered at GVWR 10,000 and my trailer is stickered at 10,000 GVWR and I get checked at a weigh station, at what point am I going to get a ticket.
No tickets for “not for hire” rigs. It “could” happen in certain states, but it’s doubtful.
Rad vid! I happen to have the same ride so this was helpful for a new camper like myself. So…. Thanks!
The spreadsheet is spot on. Thanks! I’ve shared it with others and we are telling them about your YouTube videos.
We are novices and have watched all videos to date and dream of when we can start traveling and eventually full-time.
Thanks for your help!
Hi there I came across your videos on YouTube and wow !!
I can honestly say you know your stuff I’ve been calling around and asking about a certain question from rv dealers to car dealers and I’ve never gotten the same answer
I have a weight distribution hitch I know that the weight gets distributed but it’s never been explained to me properly
They told me that the whole thing weighs about 80 lbs they also told me that it doesn’t add to tongue but adds to payload and distributes the weight to the rear axles of the vehicle and the front axles of the rv
Sonic it weighs 80 lbs then from the axles I mentioned the weight distributed would be 20 lbs on each axles???
Can you please help me to put the question to rest so I know what I’m doing
Thanks a lot it’s so appreciate it
Hi Marc,
Question and request;
First, my example is a 2017 F-150 supercab 4×4
Rear ratio 3.55 3.5L v6
FGAWR 3525. RGAWR 3800 GVWR 7050
I added 3525 and 3800 to get the curb weight.
Max combined cargo is 1885
So… according to the chart
GCWR is 17,100
Conventional towing max is 11,800
5th wheel max is 10,500
How did I loose towing in the 5th wheel configuration?
Would you mind recreating your chart with a 5th wheel option?
Thank you guys!
In my personal opinion I think Marc’s explanations and spreadsheet put you on third base…the only way one scores is to take your fully loaded combo to a Cat Scale. Then you will know if you are within your limits or you will have to get rid of STUFF.
You’re right. I should have made a strong point to go there, but I did set the example by hitting the cat scales 3 times after buying the new rig.
I have a 2006 GMC Sierra k1500 Crew cab, 4 speed auto transmission, 4.8 ltr engine, heavy duty tow package with a 24 foot 10,000 lb enclosed car trailer weight 3,250 lbs empty. The heaviest car I carry in it weight 4,000lb. Will this work?
What percentage of your capacities do you recommend staying under? Once I buy my trailer, I plan to buy a truck that keeps capacity usage below 65%. Is that too conservative? Is ~ 80% just as good?
Hey Marc,
Thanks very much for the spreadsheet these calculations have confirmed my fear that I’m pushing the limits of my 1/2 ton. I do have one question regarding the RVs GVWR and its impact on the “New GCVW”. My RVs sticker GVWR is 9480lbs and when entered this takes my “New GCVW” up to 14740lbs making me over 2140lbs my limit. Now my RVs UVW is 6300lbs if I only put 1000lbs of cargo in it wouldn’t that make my actual GVWR 7300lbs instead of the 9480lbs. Doing it this way it shows I’m good to go. We are in the market for a 3/4 ton but until we find something we want to be safe. Thanks again.
if you add 1000 lbs to your 6300lb UVW, your GVW will be 7300lbs, yes. GVWR is the maximum weight rating, it doesn’t change, it’s 9480 for your trailer. how much your trailer weighs when loaded is GVW, or curb weight, whatever. Marc’s spreadsheet is designed to show maximums only because he uses the scales as a definite. I don’t know what truck your pulling, but based on your numbers you have a GCVWR of 12,600 -7300lbs for trailer and gear = 5,300lbs of a truck My 2008 F150 is 5481lbs Curb. The difference in trailer GVWR and your hoping to load 1000lbs in it is 2180, and you said the max is 2140 over your limit… “Confirmed my fear that I’m pushing the limits of my 1/2 ton” You are not lying.
Good luck on the hunt for a bigger truck
Man, you have no idea how happy this spreadsheet made me!! I’ve just purchased my first RV yesterday. A few nights ago I was sitting with a glass…..ok bottle….of wine trying to figure this all out on an envelope. Not having had to consider any of this info before I found it mind boggling. Once I figured I had a good handle on it I went to bed, woke up the next morning…bought the RV. Today I find your spreadsheet and it turns out that the difference between what I landed on for available payload and what your spreadsheet gave me was 9lbs. That’s a lot of peace of mind for me….thank you!!
Why did my previous comment not show up
Hey there Wes, most Word Press comments require approval due to the hundreds of hits of spam. We don’t have time to check them all. The comments eventually make it.
I did everything backwards. Have your truck. Bought Grand Design 5th wheel Solitude 310. Truck is 10 k GVW 5th well is 14500 GVW. I hope I’m good, but would like and honest answer if I screwed up. May thanks
Thank you for this spreadsheet! We are planning a 7 week long trip this summer and currently looking at RVs. Glad to see our truck will haul what we are looking for!
I am looking at purchasing a fifth wheel (I currently have a travel trailer) and I LOVE your spreadsheet. I can go from rig to rig with the formula copied to different sheets and input the info from the various rigs and get a quick comparison of one rig to the next. Just AWESOME!
I think you may need to make a correction to the video and the spreadsheet. The “hitch weight” used was the manufacturer’s number, which is correct as long as you haven’t done anything to the camper to change it’s factory dry or unloaded weight. Once you load the camper with your personal belongings, the camper weight will change and so will the hitch/pin weight.
eTrailer.com shows hitch weight as… “The best way to find the pin weight of your fifth wheel trailer is to use a commercial scale like those at truck stops or at material supply centers. First you should weigh your tow vehicle without the trailer connected. Next, connect your trailer to your tow vehicle and drive it on the scale. The difference between the two weights [of the vehicle] is the tongue weight. You will want to make sure you trailer will be loaded as it normally would be when towing to get an accurate number.”
In my opinion, that more accurately reflects the hitch/pin weight since the tow vehicle is now loaded with actual weight of the camper’s hitch/pin box.
Or, am I missing something?
I agree with you, which is why I’ve been to the scales several times, but that doesn’t make the video or sheet wrong. This video is to demonstrate that most people are only looking at towing capacity and not payload, GCVWR and GRWR. Perhaps I could have made a strong point to hit the scales, but I set the example in my videos by visiting CAT scales 3 times now.
The one thing you did not account for in your video/calculations is that you are using dry tongue/hitch weights. The number quoted in the manufacturers literature is dry. In my experience, after you add batteries, propane, gear, etc. it is usually 500-1000 pounds higher than quoted (5th wheels more so than TTs). The only way to really tell is by hopping on a scale.
You’re right. The video and calculations was to bring attention to the bigger picture, it could always be better. Yet, all of stuff only weighed 1,400. I would have thought it would have been much more, esp in the nose storage + propane and more, but it wasn’t. And then only 60% or less (depending how close the item is to the axle) transfers to the hitch weight.
Looks like the download link may be broken? It starts the download but the file never delivers.
Thanks for the awesome information! I’ve just picked up an F150 5.0 liter with a tow package, now I’ll be looking at what my limitations are in getting a travel trailer.
The download ended up working later.
For anyone that doesn’t have excel, I made a web version anyone can use here:
It will save the values you enter to your browser so it’ll still be there if you refresh (as long as you haven’t cleared your cache).
Wow, this is nice. I’ll play around this a bit more.
Wow, this is nice! I’ll have to play around with this some more.
This is a nice tool! I didn’t realize there were comments to expand on this post so I missed your link the first time around. I ended up making a simple little web app: https://www.canitowthis.com/
I made it because I’m trying to figure out what kind of truck we’d need to tow different trailers (since we’ll be shopping for both), but I also made it to work on mobile phones pretty well for when we’re at an RV dealership and overwhelmed by all the possibilities. 🙂
Thanks for the inspiration, Marc!
PS: my usual email address uses the .codes TLD and it’s being identified as spam when I try to post.
Comments/questions about curb weight:
– Though curb weight doesn’t included passengers and cargo it does include fuel and fluids
– You made a comment that you compared the curb weight you got on the scales with the number on the door panel. Where did you see a curb weight number on a door panel. I don’t find that on my 2018 F-250. Where should I look?
I don’t recall saying curb weight can be found on the door. My recollection is curb weight is determined by GVWR minus payload.
Hi guys!
My fiancé and I are about to embark on a HUGE 4 month “Wedding on Wheels” cross country journey starting in June. I’ve been watching your Youtube for a while now and really love what you all are doing!! We have an Rpod which was our very first camper and bought just last year and are in the process of getting a slightly bigger travel trailer (2018 Surveyor 200mble, only 3’8″ longer but about 1,800 lbs heavier) to pull with our 2016 Dodge RAM 1500 5.7L V8 Hemi Rebel. I didn’t think we’d have an issue towing, and after using your spreadsheet confirmed we don’t but do see that our PAYLOAD is pretty tight. We have an ARE truck cap with kayak rack, kayak, generator and other gear were were planning to load up in the bed which now we will have to think about hauling in the trailer instead.
I never even thought of PAYLOAD, only MAX Towing Capacity. One thing you mentioned was making another video about the tires. Have you gotten around to that yet? Can you share a link to it please?
Again, thanks so much for all you guys do! Hope to catch you out on the road
How would you calculate towing a 5th wheel?
what is your trucks GCWR & GVWR? What is your 5th wheels GVWR? if your truck has a GCWR of 21100 and a GVWR of 9500 then the maximum fully loaded trailer weight (GVWR) you can pull is 11600 lbs. if you truck is fully loaded to its GVWR of 9500 lbs. & even if your truck is rated to pull 14100 lbs. you need to know the weights your truck and trailer are usually loaded to or just use the max weights shown on the stickers to calculate what you can safely pull. Just a side note: I would never attempt to pull the maximum trailer towing weight over a mountain pass. Only on flat ground. If you travel over mountains a lot you will want to keep you tow load well below GCWR and max tow rating. My personal limit is 80% of each of those weights.
My truck is a Ram 2500 6.7 diesel two wheel drive. Thinking of
purchasing a fifth wheel Gd 311 BHS gwwr of 13995 and a hitch weight of
2180.The gvwr of the truck is 10000 lbs. Can’t find GCWR.Will the spread sheet work for this case.And will air bags help with caring heavy load.
I enjoy your videos and have learned a lot.The truck towing is rated at 17000 lbs.
I used Marc’s spread sheet and determined that a GD 28 BH would give me all green lights.This fifth wheel is 6000 lbs below my max towing.It’s all about pay load and eceeding
the GVWR of the RAM 2500 6.7 diesel.The weight of having a Diesel engine and a mega cab and three heavy passengers reduces the payload or king pin weight.
Which reduces the Fifth wheel weight you can tow.
Really enjoy your videos. But think you need an Irish or Scottish accent to go with that red hair.Thanks for the spread sheet and don’t know how you did signal lights.
Exactly. Most people don’t quite understand that just because your truck is rated to pull 17000 lbs doesn’t mean you can pull 17000 in all configurations. That 17000 lbs is based upon a standard equipped truck with a 150lb driver. and no additional payload. As soon as your payload (i.e. passengers, cargo, optional equipment, & pin weight) are added to the truck your 17000 lbs is reduced by that much. Also, keep in mind that pin weight changes depending on how you load the trailer. Pin weight should always be at least 15% of the loaded trailer weight for safety (sway control) reasons. https://youtu.be/i2fkOVHAC8Q
Thanks for sharing the spreadsheet!
Marc and Tricia,
Thanks for the informative video, but I do have a question that I’m not sure of the answer. We are looking at a 5th wheel in which each axle is rated for 7,000 lbs for a total of 14,000 lbs, but if you add the “shipping” weight of 13,095 lbs and the carrying capacity of 3,305 lbs, it appears the 5th wheel is 2,400 lbs over the axle ratings. If you subtract the hitch weight of 2,525 lbs, then fully loaded within the specifications, the axles are not overweighted. Is that an accurate assessment or is the 5th wheel doomed to be overweight regardless?
I watched your video and really liked the thoroughness ofnit and the excel sheet used to help visualize the calculations. My only concern was the 100 lb payload (what’s in the bed of the truck) estimate. I think that’s slightly understated when considering a 5th wheel. Hitches are heave. My pullrite weighs somewhere close to 150 lbs., I’m sure there are others that weigh more. And I’m guessing that the hitch wasn’t the only thing in the bed. Now, once the hitch is installed and you get reweighed, it’s weight will be part of your curb weight number and won’t need to be included as payload.
Are you sure that you’re supposed to include total payload as 100% hitch weight if I’m not mistaken I think it is only a percentage of total payload that you add to your hitch weight let me know your thoughts but I think you are incorrect in your calculations.
Thank you for posting the video on determining proper towing capacity and sharing the spreadsheet. Your information will be of great help when I go shopping for a new 5th wheel camper to be pulled by my 3/4 ton truck.
I’m 71 years old and a newbie. I have a 22-foot travel trailer and my first trip will be in June (southern Arizona to Washington state). I have learned so much from your videos. Some, (the how to do) I watch several times. Thank you for putting these out. Looks like your all are having a great time.
You mentioned in your Payload video, Go to the door sticker and find Axle code, then go to the Internet to find Axle ratio then you can find your Gear ratio. I have my axle ratio in my owners guide, Ford 150 XLT, 3.5 L. V6 Ecoboost at 3.55. Not sure why I need my Gear ratio to find my towing capacity. Are you using axle ratio and gear ratio interchangably? Thanks, Mike Weber
Thank you so much for this tool. Easy to use and really helped us decide on the best RV to purchase for our vehicle. We learnt through your tool that it isn’t just the dry weight, other factors are important. This is our first RV, recently retired and planning to live in it full time. (will need to name it I guess at some point). Will join your insider community to continue to learn more.
Cheers !
Do you know of an offical training school for this type of information. For instance, where did you learn this information? Also, do you know if there are “apps” that also calculate all numbers?
Thanks so much for the hard work you have put into the video, the blog and your spreadsheet..
I don’t know of any official training. This video is certainly not it. I spent days and days sifting through debate and controversy to draw my own conclusions. I relied more on the manufacturers and trusted brands than forums. If you do your own research, it does become more clear. It’s hard to explain than understand.
You forgot about using a equalizer hitch??? Even on a 1 ton truck they recommend using a equalizer hitch. This will change how the weight sits on your truck. This will put some of the hitch weight on your front end.
You also need to use the numbers on a cat scale for each axle of your truck and RV to get the corect tong weight. As numbers on RV mean nothing as it all depends on how you load everything in RV, front, rear, or middle kitchen. Where your tanks are, etc.
Everything is good until I put in the GVWR of the trailer I want. It then makes my GCVWR too much. This assumes I’ll load the trailer another 3000 lbs which seems a ton. Am I good as long as I load it enough to keep my GCVWR in the “green”?
Really good video for the weight distribution challenged! It does help give an idea of what you can haul using the dry weights of the trailer. Got a chuckle out of folks reminding you to use the CAT scales when the actual video has a pic of you at the CAT scales before hitting the play button. It was good to mention that in the video as well. Lots of good info. We went the opposite direction. We were going to by the TT but our truck started having electrical issues so we ended up trading it and getting an F250. Waiting on the TT for now but getting things in line and loving the KYD vids. Thanks again.
I would really like to get a copy of that spreadsheet. I currently own a delivery company and I’m looking to Branch into RV transporting. And a spreadsheet like that would be a great asset to have available.
Pretty sure you can download it right on this page. It’s not an official document. I know there are better ones out there.
Thanks so much! This is extremely helpful as we will be making our first extended trip from the Midwest to Florida with our new camper and new to us F150 FX4. I was stressing about the weight. I feel better about where we are and were we need to be. Love the videos. They have taught this newbie so much.
Is something wrong with the spreadsheet or am I doing it wrong? I put in all the specs for my truck, and as soon as I add any passenger weight, the little red X circles appear in the bottom section saying I am over. This happens before I even add any trailer weight info. I tried just adding a one-pound passenger and the X’s appeared .
Marc – Great video! What were your actual CAT Scale axle weights with the WD hitch hooked up as you would be when rolling down the road? If you posted somewhere, sorry! I couldn’t find them… BTW, I love watching your family adventures. We just bought a TT for the family – kids 10, 8, and 6. Thanks!
I’m not a camper wizard or anything, but is it really fair to assume that your camper is at GVWR? 4500lbs is a lot of stuff to be hauling around! If your camper was 300lbs under GVWR couldn’t you move your truck’s payload back there and resolve the issue?
We have a 2016 Toyota SR5 Sequoia and are looking for a travel trailer to tow. One of the ones we are looking at the manufacturer lists the Hitch weight as unloaded hitch weight. In your video you took the Hitch weight from the website of the manufacturer. Was that Unloaded Hitch weight or loaded hitch weight? And if it was loaded hitch weight, how would we calculate that. Is it 10% of the GVWR for the trailer? Thanks for your help.
For a conservative estimate of tongue weight I would look at the yellow sticker of a trailer you are interested in. Its usually inside the entry door. Add the UVW (unloaded vehicle weight) and CARGO. Then take 15% of this. Thats your worst case tongue weight. I suspect your Sequoia is similar to my Tundra, softer suspension means a less than stellar payload rating, you will be bumping up against the payload and thus the GVWR rating of the Sequoia. You may even get close the the GAWR on the back axle. 2 things I did which helped. I was aggressive with the weight distribution hitch. Transferring as much weight to the front as possible. This really improved steering. Back end will sag still, but this does not effect function. I also went with E rated tires. I put 70psi in the back and 60psi in the front when towing, 45psi all around when not towing. At 45psi, I don’t notice any harsher ride surprisingly. Whatever you buy, take it to a cat scale and weight it, fully loaded for a trip. First weight with trailer connected. Then disconnect and weight the truck only. This will let you know where you are at and let you know the actual tongue weight (difference between steer+drive axle connected and steer+drive NOT connected(keep hitch on and throw the bars in the back of the truck).
I purchased a 2018 Nissan rogue. I am wondering if my rogue can handle a 6,000 travel trailer.
Absolutely not. The max weight that nissan lists is 3500 though that depends on your specific vehicle, it could be less.
Very instructive and helpful video. Doing the calcs for my setup (after the fact – oops) indicates that I am ok but right at the limit for payload – so no extra people in the truck!
One thing to remember when buying a fifth wheel is the weight of the hitch in the bed of the truck. That can be up to 300 lbs alone.
Thank you for the video and the worksheet.
Thank you for the info and spreadsheet. Very helpful
How can I get the calculator you are using on the video?
Is your spread sheet detailed out for rear mounted trailers or is it also formatted to work if I am trying to find weight ratios for 5th Wheels? Thanks!
Do you include the Weight Distribution hitch weight as part of Cargo weight?
Thank you, Thank you, Thank You!
With your help, I was able to calculate the impossible, or at least it was for me! Your excel spreadsheet was exactly what I needed! Thank you for sharing!!
Strange I had never seen your channel before, but now I’m a subscriber!
Have a look at http://www.safetyhitch2.com/
Removes hitch and pin weight.
A bit pricey @ $10+k
I’m considering one whether I go 5th wheel or Class A. Just for the safety factor.
Nice video & spreadsheet but what about fuel weight. Isn’t that added to the payload? Same as anything in tanks on the trailer??
Great Post. I was looking into the Grand Design and wanted to get a fifth wheel with the truck I have. This post and video gave me the information and perspective I needed to change my decision. I am now looking at the 312BHTS. Thanks again.
Excellent video Marc. Realized too late. Purchased vehicle, then found the RV we love, now in the market for the truck to tow it.
This information sold me on your course, so all is well and hopefully will be YouTubing in no time.
Marc, thanks for the info on this page. This is an invaluable step by step description. It is sometimes difficult for somebody with a phone that doesn’t have excel included to use your spreadsheet, therefore I did a copy of the document in google docs and it is available for everyone to get a copy of it – of course a gmail account is required. http://bit.ly/33nXZT0.
Because of the last restriction, I thought of making a simpler tool, and I built a website for the towing calculator. https://frsanchez.github.io/TowingCapacity/ . It can be accessed from the phone or on the computer. It doesn’t track any visit, i don’t keep counter of people or anything. It is really to make everyone’s life easier.
Thanks again for the info.
Thank you SOOOOOOO much. This spreadsheet and the corresponding video really helped me understand what type of rig and vehicle paring will work for me.
Hi! Thank you to you and your wife for all of the information that you provide! I just purchased a 2019 Forest River Rockwood Ultra-lite 2902WS trailer. Please see the following:
Dimensions. 33.75 ft. (405 in.) 11.17 ft. (134 in.)
Weight. 7,148 lbs. 2,422 lbs. 770 lbs.
My first question is this, I have never towed before but want to tour the states for 3 to 5 months out of the year. I have a limited budget to spend on a truck and prefer Ford. I am a single gal who will be traveling with my two small dogs. In your opinion would an 2015 0r 2016 F250 gas give me enough towing power to conquer the Rockies safely or would the diesel be the preferred towing vehicle?
My second question, I have a Polaris Quad Runner that I would also like to take with me, by winching him up into the bed of the truck. I am really getting a lot of conflicting information about which truck would be right for my set-up. Can you help please? Thank you so much!
Hi Guy’s
So living in Australia and bought a Ram2500 to tow a RV (aka) Caravan and went through all the weights and measures Gross Vehicle Mass, combined Vehicle mass, Payload and hitch weight etc and because we get light trucks here Nissan, GM Colorado, Ford Ranger and they all say they can tow 3500Kgs just pending spec, that’s why I bought Ram 2500. However we can only tow 4500 kgs here or need to fit air brakes YES Air Brakes just like a Semi.
So did you measured the Hitch weight with a scale or just used the manufacturer’s spec. I think 635Kgs, 14000 lbs is a hell of alot of ball weight. Rule of thumb is about 10% max of the RV GVM is transferred to the hitch so thats about 1090 lbs or 494 kgs. Which considering my RV is ATM 3500kgs or 7716 lbs I only get 180kgs or 396 lbs onto the hitch.
Good point on the warranty thing though, luckley when I bought the RV the old owner gave me a load distribution hitch and when reading the RAM owners manual online if you tow over a certain limit you must have a load distribution hitch or No Warranty (fyi)
Good Channel I like it
Really liked the spreadsheet but did notice that for passenger it only add the number of passengers to total payload not the average weight, which is usually about (150-180 lbs.). So 4 passengers would add about 600 lbs
Watched video did notice to add weight not number of passengers.
Hi Jim – PLEASE, if you haven’t yet, check Truck Camper Magazine online (Truckcampermagazine.com). They have excellent information on all aspects of what you need to know before buying a camper OR truck!! Don’t forget that your cargo weight will also include the water you carry in your tanks, too!
Nice video and good information. I tried the link to the spreadsheet but it didn’t show the formulas for the calculations. Could you add those, perhaps as a text in a field next to the cells?
Looking for a suggestion/explanation: ALL of my numbers for my 2015 Dodge Ram 1500 pulling a 21 foot TT are well within the good range except one. . .the rear axel. I’m about 1,000 pounds over on the rear axel, probably due to the effectiveness of the weight distribution bars. My TT, loaded with stuff, is only 5,000 pounds but only a little of 2,000 pounds rides on the trailer tandem axels. However, the truck and trailer look perfectly level when you stand back and look the total rig from afar from the side. I have NOT tried weighing yet without the weight distribution hooked up. I feel like the weight distribution is putting too much weight into my truck frame. Can this be easily adjusted? Any other suggestions?
Thanks for the video and blog. I’m an engineer and a pilot, so I understand weight calculations quite well, but I have a few questions and a comment.
Regarding specific truck payload decals, under what conditions is the payload computed? Do the manufacturers include full fuel tanks and a driver, full tanks only with no driver, empty tanks, etc? Do all manufactures use the same standard, or are some different than others. I remember reading a few years ago that SAE had a standard for this, but not all manufacturers were compliant at that time. Obviously one could weigh a truck and do the calculations, but that is not possible when looking at trucks in a dealer lot.
Regarding toy haulers, the hitch/pin weight of these trailers can vary widely, depending on what are they carrying and how is it loaded. A truck hauling a toy hauler can go from exceeding it’s GVWR to being under it by simply loading vehicles in the toy hauler. Toy haulers also tend to carry more potable water and may carry fuel. This can also affect the tongue or pin weight. It may be possible to haul a large toy hauler fifth wheel with a 3/4 ton truck and remain within all weight limits, provided the toy hauler is loaded appropriately.
BTW, the pilot in me wishes that toy hauler manufacturers provide the longitudinal location of all the tanks and various points in the garage. This would allow a person to calculate the toy hauler’s hitch/pin weight and total weight for various loading configurations. Baseline weights on the trailer and the toys would be needed, but it would be easy to do after that.
If one is only wanting to know the realistic vehicle towing capacity (RVTC) of their tow vehicle, the minimum requirement are four weights: GCWR, GVWR, GVW, and TWR. This is before having a trailer. One does not need trailer info for learning the RVTC.
I used KYD’s numbers in the RV Tow Check App as follows:
GCWR: 25700
GVWR: 10000
GVW: 7885
TWR: 15000
Cargo: 300
Passenger: 695
Max conventional towing capacity at 10% tongue weight is 11,200.
Max conventional towing capacity at 13% tongue weight is 8,615.
Max conventional towing capacity at 15% tongue weight is 7,466.
KYD’s method can get someone in trouble for anyone who does not have a trailer yet. Using KYD’s spreadsheet and putting in the trailer manufacture’s published weight information is bad advice.
Send me an email.
On the Towable RV part of the spreadsheet, what is UVW?
Thanks for the spreadsheet. inspired me to research other calculator
found this website http://changingears.com/rv-sec-calc-trailer-weight-tt.shtml with some useful calculators and that also considers GAWR
UVW is the DRY weight.
Unloaded Vehicle Weight. See something like a Jay Feather 24BH that has a UVW (or dry weight) of 6,065lbs: https://www.jayco.com/products/travel-trailers/2020-jay-feather/24bh/
THANKS for this!
I have purchased a small Teardrop that I am pulling with a Dodge Journey Crossroad. I am picking it up TODAY! I knew that I was close to the max with my 2500# towing capacity. I have tried to get reasonable answers to my questions from various websites but have gotten only opinions and speculation and hysteria! Using the calculator I now know for sure that I can safely tow within the limits of my vehicle. I would add that by using the trailer actual GVWR, it is calculating based on the worse case, loaded to maximum scenario. Because I am close to my max capacity, I am able to tell just how heavy I can load the trailer by adjusting the GVWR number.
Is the hitch weight manufacturers publish relative to the trailer UVW or GVWR?
Can’t one effectively change the hitch weight depending how load is distributed in the trailer?
looking at towing with my 3.5L with Max Tow, 157” WB 4×4. All my calculations have me within all the limits. The trailer(2600RB) is not the limiting factor but the trucks payload. My question to you is if I was operating it at 7050lb GVWR, what are the affects to the operation at that weight? Am I at its drive train limits all the time and have little to no handling safety margin? As long as I don’t go beyond GVWR, the truck can go all day long and tow within its limits. Trailer has a max gross at 7850lb and I would be closer to 7000lb.
If I wanted to put anything in my box, I have very little wiggle room. Can’t bring my Quad and all my luggage and golf clubs have to be in the trailer.
Last question. Is Curb weight calculated with a full tank of fuel which is about 300lbs?
Thoughts. Thx.
My calculations spreadsheet is like yours and has the percentage of tow limit calculated as well. Your video is spot on and very clear. Perhaps indicate if curb weigh has the full tank of fuel included in that weight. That will have an impact on the GVWR calculations and payload available. I wonder if the truck is operating at GVWR all day, am I OK and is my operating margin within limits. Yes it will require more energy to move both but will I be close to the 100% operating limits at that weight? Yes a F350 will solve all these questions. My 2017 is paid off and does the work for my cargo trailer. Wasn’t thinking of a travel trailer until this pandemic. Thoughts. Thx.
Filling out the spreadsheet with my truck and trailer specs while playing Star Wars – “Imperial Death March” in the background is much more satisfying that just doing the numbers quietly.
I have a 2017 Cadillac Escalade and am concerned . Says it can pull 8700 lbs. I have a Grand Design Imagine 29 foot trailer . Should I upgrade to something else.
Now I know what I am doing tomorrow. I have a grand design 315rlts being pulled by a 2017 ram 2500.truck has a 6 inch lift with 22 by 37 tires. How much of a difference in the numbers am i looking at
What about fifth wheels? Do they impact the payload since its in the back of the truck? Does your spreadsheet allow for fifth wheel trailers? Can I still use it for them?
does cargo in trailer add weight to the hitch total ?
Hi Guys! FIrst let us say how great your videos have been. My husband and I have just started our new adventure with Rv’ing in Canada. We’ve watched the majority of your videos. They have all been very helpful and fun to watch. We adopted two amazing childing about 7 years ago and are ready to continue exploring the world in a new and exciting way. We are leaving for our first – week trip, on July 6th. A little nervous but lots of excitement. I was trying to utilize your spreadsheet for weight, and I dont think that I was entering the numbers correctly. I seen a lot of red x’s which I assume is bad. However, I was seeing some green at times and then all went down hill. I was pretty sure that we had a solid truck to pull this 2020 Mallard 32M. We currently have a 2019 Dodge Ram 1500 Crew 4X4 (auto, high or low) with full hookups including the tow package. Trailer brake as well. Any chance you might be able to help calculate properly? We are hoping to run into you guys one day while on the road. We own a Tim Hortons franchise, here in Canada. We plan to travel the US as I’m originally from California. I look forward to hearing back. Keep safe! The Hogens
Happy to help you out, There is a bunch more information on the truck needed. I’d rather not put my email on this thread, but if you send me a way to contact you I’d be happy to reply. I;m on facebook, the guy with a NY Yankee Cap! Happy to help out a coffee franchisee!!!
First off, you guys are awesome. Being an excel geek, I totally latched onto your excel spreadsheet and love it, and stole shamelessly!
I tweaked mine a bit, so that the combined weight total (GCVW) included the ACTUAL gross weight (GVWR) of the trailer, and not the max rating. I did this because, for me, it is important to weigh what I am loading in my trailer as well as the truck, and it is VERY possible to go over the trailer total while staying under the total combined max.
Batteries, propane, and water alone take up a chunk, which weren’t included in the dry weight for mine. I’m happy to send it to you if you are at all interested.
Thanks again for your great stuff! We live in Desert Ridge, and it was fun to see you have a place up in the Flag area.
We want to buy a Cougar 30rls hafl-ton fifth wheel. We are driving a 2019 Ford F150 3.5 EcoBoost with a 5.5’ box. On the tire sticker it’s saying that the combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed 1634lbs. On the specifications of the fifth wheel the Shipping Weight is 9023lbs, the Carrying Capacity 1977lbs and the Hitch 1545lbs.
Are we over capacity with the 1545lbs even if the truck can haul 13 500lbs ?
Mark or whomever else on the board,
Like everyone else on here- we love KYD and have really enjoyed the videos. Honestly, KYD was what converted my wife from a “I don’t think we would like RV travel” to “how soon can we get a trailer and get on the road?”. At our stage in life and work, though, we are talking a few long weekends and maybe an extended trip a year (like 12-14 days to see another part of the country). Not full timer. SO. All that to say. I need to get my first truck, but this will be my primary daily driver. We have 3 kids, and so we are looking at bunkhouse travel trailers. Here is my question- – if I can find a F-150 that will come in “at” or “slightly under” the weights for payload, hitch & towing capacity, etc.- -then is that enough to pull the trigger on that specific F-150 truck and trailer (GD Imagine 2800BH)? I keep reading on other forums that F-150’s are too light with the aluminum body to control the trailer, and all warn about being over payload. Mark did a good job of explaining that, and so if I am within limits (even just barely within)- -am I not safe to do it? I’d use a pro-pride anti-sway hitch with it, too. I don’t know that I can afford or want a F-250 for 90% of my driving without a trailer, but will do that if it means being safe on the road when we do tow. The problem with all this is it is a big life change and financial decision to potentially end up with a truck/trailer combo that may not work for some reason.
The executive summary question is this: If the weight and balance calcs are all green, then am I ok to pair a F-150 with a 31 foot bunkhouse, safely?
Thanks for this posting and video it was VERY informative. I thought all I needed to know was the towing capacity of my vehicle, little did I know there was so much more to it ! My wife and I just ordered our very first travel trailer and when doing the math in the spreadsheet, I figured out where we are really limited is the amount of payload we can put in out tow vehicle ! I also was trying to figure out how the manufacturer (Toyota) came up with the GCVWR and I finally stumbled on that it was the curb weight plus the towing capacity (at least for my model). The really interesting part is that no where (that I could find) in my owners manual or anywhere else was the GCVWR documented–I had to search on line to find it.
Thank you so much! I am brand new in the RV world and your videos are SO helpful. I bought a 2020 Toyota Tundra, 5.7L, 2×4 crew cab. I am struggling to find the GCVWR for my truck. Can anyone offer a tip? Stay safe and happy traveling. 🙂
Fantastic. That spreadsheet was exactly what I needed.
Thank you for the great video and spreadsheet Marc. I have the exact same F250 truck and we are looking at the GD 312BHTS trailer that I know you owned at one time. The trailer falls within all the limits and gives me 500+ lbs of payload. The trailer itself is 2,600 lbs heavier than our existing trailer and 5 feet longer. How was your experience towing with that combination? Did you ever think an F350 was the way to go?
Great videos, Mark & Trish! We appreciate them, being TT newbies. I’ve learned quite a bit from you guys. Our maiden voyage last weekend went off without a hitch (pun intended), and I attribute that to lots of videos on YouTube, including yours. Thank you!
Also really loved the spread sheet you included here. I drive a 2019 Ford Ranger Lariat with the factory installed tow package, and after calculating, I’m 11 pounds over the max payload… Guess I need to go on that diet after all. But in driving it several times, I’ve had 0 problems whatsoever. I may have overestimated the weight of the cargo we bring. Whatevs. I do have a trailer brake system, and sway/weigh distribution gear.
Thanks again for all you guys do!
Thanks for the best lesson on towing I’ve ever seen. Very concise and the spread sheet was perfect. Getting set for an 8 week trip from Virginia through through TRNP, Glacier, YNP, GTNP Dinosaur NM, Arches, Canyonlands Cap. Reef, Bryce Zion GCNP, Mesa Verde and some room for last minute changes. You are an inspiration! Love you guys!!
Safe Travels.
Phil Grogan
Very helpful tool and video – thank you!
Don’t forget for a fifth wheel, you will have a hitch in the bed that will weigh between 200 – 250 lbs. That hitch needs to be included in the cargo. Also, the published hitch weight for a fifth wheel is the unloaded hitch weight, the loaded hitch weight will be approximately 20% of the GVWR of the fifth wheel.
First of all, I want to introduce myself as a new RV camper, but an avid regular camper and I have been thoroughly enjoying your videos! I happened to come across them on YouTube and enjoy watching them when I can. Now about this topic, I was truly happy you made this excel sheet to calculate weight numbers! I own a 2015 Subaru Outback and have a 2005 Jayco Pop Up camper. I knew the camper was well within the towing capacity of the Outback but I wasn’t sure about the combined weight capacity after you mentioned it in this video! After some research on the GCVWR of the outback, I am relieved to find that I am all in the green… all thanks to the excel sheet! Thank you so much again and I have to admit I am very envois of your airstream rig! Keep it up and I look forward to more videos
This sheet is a life saver!!!
On your spreadsheet, which I downloaded, is GCVWR the same as GCWR?
If both are the same and correct, please, let me know then how you arrive at the figure to plug in.
I am guessing it is the GVWR of both Truck & RV added together.
If that is the case, does that figure include the payload (cargo & or passenger weight)?
I guess I am confused and need some guidance. Thanks
Thank you so much for the spreadsheet and the information provided in the youtube video. I’m actually using this to find the right vehicle and trailer size so I can start my food trailer business. This saved me a lot of time. Thank you!
Correct me if I am wrong but when you bought your car ruck I believe that on the window sticker it probably listed an option for a derated GVW. I am certain that the F350s offer a derate gvw option. They do This to keep pickups at or below 10,000 lbs due to commercial DOT regulations.
Hello, I just discovered your video series and it is great! I did have one question regarding payload capacity. Are you counting the Hitch setup as part of the payload? When using your spreadsheet, I added the WDH weight to the hitch weight area. My numbers are very close for my planned trailer and tow vehicle.
I have a question regarding your trailer hitch calculations. When you used the Momentum 351 for an example you used the advertised hitch weight of 2785. Isn’t that weight with the trailer at the UVW. Should that number be at 20% of the GVW which would then be 3300 pounds? I don’t understand how you say to make sure and use the trailers advertised GVW to figure towing weight but you only use the UVW tongue weight to figure how much payload in the truck is needed. Pleas help me understand this because I am desperately trying to figure if I can get a smaller fifth wheel toy hauler to work with my 2021 F250 4×4 king ranch short bed with a 7.3l V8.
I’m ready to go purchase my first RV but I’m struggling to determine my vehicle GCVWR for my 2012 Chevy Avalanche 1500.
I did find a vehicle specs sheet on Cars.com that says this vehicle has an GCWR of 11,000 lbs.
After extensive research, a phone call to Chevy, and a visit to the dealership to only find this one answer regarding GCVWR. Was really surprised when Chevy said they could not answer this question.
I have determined the following:
Curb Weight – 5,969 lbs
GVWR – 7,200 lbs
Payload – 1,263 lbs
Towing Capacity – 7,900 lbs
Chevrolet does not have an official fleet towing guide for the 2012 Avalanche 1500.
Also the sticker in the door lists GAWR but not the Axle Code. I did confirm with the dealership it has a Ratio of 3.42.
GAWR Front – 3800 lbs
GAWR Rear – 4100 lbs
I do have a Hitch Ratings sticker on my Hitch Bar (I still need to purchase a Ball) with the following details:
Maximum Trailer Weight
-Weight Carrying 5,000 lbs
-Weight Distributing 12,000 lbs
Maximum Tounge Weight
-Weight Carrying 600 lbs
-Weight Distributing 1,500 lbs
Can you help me with determining this? Also should I invest in Weight Distribution Tow Ball system to increase my RV options?
K3 Towing, Recovery and Transport, Inc. is located in Amarillo, TX and services customers in the Panhandle area and Tri-State area as well as nationwide. We are a family owned and operated business, with years experience in the towing business and a family of truckers our self, you can depend on us to treat you with the same quality of service that we would offer the members of our own family. K3 Towing, Recovery and Transport, Inc. is specialized and licensed in heavy duty towing and recovery.
is the spread sheet download link not working for anyone else?
Not working for me either
I tried the spreadsheet in chrome and it did not work. I tried it in explorer and it worked just fine so try to open this in internet explorer and it should work.
The GVWR and Payload Calc link is not working. When I click on it, it does nothing. Is there another link I can download it from?
Thanks, your video was great and very informative.
Love your channel!
Curious on your insight for these #s. Looking to buy a Powerboost F-150 4×4 w/7.5kw to pull an Airstream 25FB.
Recreation is goal. Like the idea of boondocking with the F-150 as generator. I feel like my payloads are a little conservative, but kept the batteries of 100lbs. even thought Airstream includes in their hitch weight.
Dry Weight: 5,503
GVWR: 7,300
Hitch Weight: 837
Curb Weight : 5,705
GVWR: 7,350
GCWR: 17,000
Payload Capacity: 1,645
Towing Capacity: 11,000
GVWR and Payload:
Passengers: 560
Cargo – Camping Gear: 50
WDH: 146
Total payload (w/o hitch weight): 756
Hitch Weight of trailer: 837
Total payload (hitched up): 1,593
Payload leftover: 52
GCWR and Tow Capacity:
GCVW Hitched: 11,915
GCVW Avail.: 5,085
Dry Weight: 5,503
Full Water: 307
Batteries: 100
Camping Gear: 200
Food/h20/clothes: 100
Gross Weight Est.: 6,210
GVWR: 7,300
RV Avail.: 1,090
Spreadsheet link now working. I would like to use it.
This was so helpful! Wouldn’t have known where to look for all these pieces of info and you broke it all down so simply. Was so grateful you also shared the spreadsheet and following along with your video made it a breeze to plug in our numbers and see where we were. You guys have been such a great resource and share so many valuable pieces of information in your videos – thank you!!!
The link does not work. Can this be fixed to help many with their towing?
To all: Although the link does not work when you click, it WILL work if you right-click, “copy link address”, and paste to a new tab. This will prompt you to download the actual file. It’s a workaround, but it works!
When accounting for payload with a 5th wheel, is the weight of 5th wheel hitch in the truck included in the hitch weight of the trailer?
I found an easy solution for the problem downloading the payload calculator that worked for me. Google Chrome on my computer did not have the latest updates. I sorted out the updates and the linked worked. I am grateful you took the time to make all this information available. We are new to RVing and are looking forward to some great summer family camping. In the meantime, I am soaking up all the information available on line and find the KYD videos excellent.
Looks like I might be able to get that Grand Design Reflection 312BHTS. I have been watching you guys since 2018 and tis really helped. My truck is a 2018 Ram 2500 Cummins curb weight of 7,778 lbs, GVWR 10,000 lbs, Payload 2,222 lbs and a Towing Capacity of 17,522 lbs.
Total newbie question….I did the spreadsheet and we should have 872lbs of available payload…..so is this how much weight I can pack in my RV? And is this enough?
Can you send or post a link to the spreadsheet? The link is not working.
Thank you.
Did you ever get a good spread sheet of this?
I have a few questions – what positive impact can a distribution hitch have on this equation? Also, the spreadsheet says to look at GAWR and tire ratings, but what do I check them against?
Thanks for the great info!
LInk to the spreadsheet doesn’t work. I would like a copy.
How accurate is the spreadsheet you used? I plugged in all the numbers from the data plates.
Thanks for the info!
Can I get a copy of the spreadsheet, please? The link is not working.
How do I find the curb weight and the Gross Combined Weight for my truck? The truck only shows the GVWR is 6,000 lbs on the door. I went to Chevy website to try to find the info but no luck. We have a 2016 Chevy Colorado
Hi, my family and I are new to RVing. I thoroughly enjoy your videos. The link for the excel file doesn’t work. Could you re-post it, please? Thanks
Not sure how many people will see this to help, but when selecting the link to download the spreadsheet, you need to “Right Click” on the link and select “Save link as”. This will start the download. Remember, it is an Excel spreadsheet so you will need something to open an Excel document.
FINALLY!!! A video that explains the difference between all those confusing numbers. I did in fact buy my RV first, truck second, and even so I don’t have the wiggle room with payload that I want because I didn’t understand that towing capacity was in fact the most generous of the numbers I needed to look at. Thanks for explaining this, I just wish I had seen it earlier!
We bought a Heartland Mallard travel trailer with GVWR of 7900, and a Toyota Tundra with a GVWR of 7110, towing capacity 10,000 so plenty of room there, but a payload of only 1300. With the three of us plus hitch weight and literally no cargo, we are about 40 pounds over payload. We’re about to go weigh to see the weight on the axles to see if we are within appropriate range there. Is that close enough to risk it, as long as we make sure all the cargo is in the trailer and we don’t exceed its GVWR? Or do we need to upgrade to a 3/4 ton truck?
I noticed on the calculator that the total payload does NOT include the hitch weight. Could you help me understand why hitch weight is not included in the total payload calculation. This seems to be incorrect. Thanks
Wow, what a great video + template, this really helps me to understand the multiple check points for truck capacities and towing a trailer. I have a couple of questions, below.
1.) Do you calculate the weight of the hitch itself into the payload?
2.) Does a full tank of gas get calculated into curb weight of truck?
3.) Does a weight distribution hitch change any of the calculation methods?
Can you please email me a copy of the GVWR Payload calculator? I tried downloading from you website but doesn’t seem to work.
Can you please email me a copy of the GVWR Payload calculator? I tried downloading from you website but doesn’t seem to work.
I hear great things about your weight calculator but when I try to down load it I get nothing is there any way you can email it to me or tell me what I’m doing wrong.
Thanx Joe
This question may have been asked but to be honest I started scrolling comments and there are way to many, lol. I was wondering if anybody knows how a WDH affects tongue weight? I know it shifts weight on truck and trailer axles so i can only imagine it affects tongue weight.
Marc – Thanks for the video on payload, I watched this again last night. We’ve been watching your youtube channel for a few years and just recently purchased a Grand Design Imagine 2150RB. My truck is a 2108 F150 Supercrew 4×4. I opened the spreadsheet and started plugging in all the numbers for the truck and trailer. Grand Design lists our trailer tongue weight as 427 pounds. The trailer is listed as 5295 empty, 6695 max. Seems like the tongue weight should be in the 800+ range. Once I dig the trailer out of the snow I’ll go the CAT scale and weigh in.. In any case, I’ll still be borderline on weight. I guess that we’ll be truck shopping very soon. Thanks for all you do!
Your calculations should include the weight of the receiver hitch you plan on using.
The spreadsheet link does not appear to be working.
Thank you for a very informative video. We had been reading tons of info and this really boiled down the information in a useable form.
The spreadsheet was great and helped ease our minds regarding our truck & its capability to pull our new RV.
Thank you for everything you guys do!
the download file is empty
i’m having issues accessing the spreadsheet – it’s just reloading the current page…help!
I had troubles in Chrome, switched browsers to Microsoft Edge and the link worked.
Thank you!!! That worked for me 🙂
send me the link for the GVWR and payload not on google sheets on the website
For some reason I cannot open the link to GVWR and Payload Calc. is it possible for you to send it to me.
I’m new at this so forgive me if this is a silly question. The Cargo weight is over and above that you would pack in the RV correct? This would be considered part of the tow capacity, not to exceed the GVW of the RV . Correct?
Hi guys, the link to the spreadsheet isn’t working. Can you correct the link?
I post the link to this video at least once a week. It’s especially painful to me to read “advice” to tow a 12000 # trailer with an F150, so I post your vid to, hopefully, keep someone —and especially me — safe on the road. I also suggest folks watch the video twice, fill out the spreadsheet, and watch the video once more. Thank you for keeping this link current. You have saved many lives, I’m sure.
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The ratings decrease as the elevation increases. Shouldn’t you lower the stated ratings by 20% for going over roads at 10,000 foot elevation?
Hi Marc,
I am a bit confused as to why the Excel book has “F7” (hitch weight) being removed from C19 (New GCWR). Hitch weight is added to the payload, but for this, it’s removed.
Did I miss something where the hitch weight is removed from the trailer weight so it’s not counted twice?
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Lahore call girls are polite, well-mannered, intelligent, and have developed social skills. THEY ARE PERFECT TO GIVE TOP CLASS BUSINESSMEN GREAT COMPANY. ASK THE CITY BASED ESCORTS ONE TIME IF YOU ARE A SUCCESSFUL PERSONALITY IN YOUR PROFESSIONAL FIELD BUT FAILED TO SATISFY YOURSELF MENTALLY. People choose to hire their services during business trips in most cases because it makes them feel more at ease. YES, THIS IDEA WILL ASSIST YOU IN REMOVING THE BORING JOURNEY AND LONELINESS FEEL. Simply schedule a meeting with the verified Lahore call girls to enjoy a fantastic business trip that eliminates any stress. SPEAK WITH THEM, JOY WITH THEM, LOVE THEM, AND SAW THEIR CARE ON.For further details, give us a call at 03210033448.
Nothing could be more enjoyable than hanging out with a stunning woman? For every occasion, our call girls in Karachi make the ideal companions. Our call Girls will make you feel good, whether you’re looking for someone to go to a work event with or just spend a night out with.For further details, give us a call at 03210033448.
Here at Lahore escorts, welcome. You may locate escorts in Lahore in this directory section. One of the largest and most reliable escort directories in Lahore. I like everything, so come take advantage of what I have to offer. All content and photographs are verified and updated on a regular basis with actual photos.
Escorts in Islamabad offer passionate services. The top escorts in Islamabad, according to our escort agency, are gorgeous, sensual, and passionate enough to fulfill your fantasies. For generations, the center of business, pleasure, and entertainment has been Islamabad. The city attracts a lot of high-profile individuals, businesspeople, and celebrities due to its abundance of cultural and recreational offerings. Because of this, there is a persistent craving for friendship, which escorts that are attractive, sensuous, and seductive can only satisfy.
Our dependable Karachi escorts have been offering excellent escorts to thousands of guys from all around the nation and even outside. You will locate the most stunning escorts from this very city. With our gorgeous, sophisticated, and skilled Karachi escorts, we can assure you of complete enjoyment. They offer a variety of sensual services, all tailored to your individual needs and preferences.
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You need to know how to find a genuine call girl in Karachi, so that you can make your perfect woman’s night special. Our clients get 100 % genuine and certified Karachi Call girls. This guarantees that our call girls are the best in Karachi. Enjoy a profitable call girl to Karachi that will make you feel like a celebrity.
lahoreidolls.com best call girls’ agency in Lahore. we offer call girls as well as female companions for affordable prices. They can be booked on the website, or by phone. You can book them 24 hours a day. You can either book some call girls ahead of time or on the spot. Our call girls’ services are reliable, comfortable, and safe.
The best thing about Call Girls Islamabad is that there’s no need to worry about being ripped off. You can trust them to do what’s right for you because they are different from other services. You’ll also have a good time, because they are very discreet. A bachelor party with a Call Girl Islamabad is great fun. You can go to the clubs, take a fancy cruise or have one-on-one sexual encounters. If you are a bachelor, you can find a Call Girls. The company is a big part of the bachelor party. Islamabad Call Girls will cater to all your needs.
The best thing about Call Girls Karachi is that there’s no need to worry about being ripped off. You can trust them to do what’s right for you because they are different from other services. You’ll also have a good time, because they are very discreet. A bachelor party with a Call Girl Karachi is great fun. You can go to the clubs, take a fancy cruise or have one-on-one sexual encounters. If you are a bachelor, you can find a Call Girls. The company is a big part of the bachelor party. Karachi Call Girls will cater to all your needs.
For those who want to spend their leisure time with a gorgeous and seductive female, call girls in Karachi are the greatest choice. They are here to serve your needs around-the-clock. These girls in Karachi are committed to their work and will go above and beyond to satisfy their clients, unlike other call girls in the city. They are the only ones with the knowledge and expertise to gratify men. For further details, give us a call at 03294111153.
Men are becoming more and more interested in independent Islamabad Escorts these days. These Escorts provide top-notch services and are available for hiring 24/7. They also aid in their clients’ mental relaxation. Beautiful and always available are the independent Escorts in Islamabad. They’re even able to pay you a visit at your lodging. For further details, give us a call at 03294111153.
There are many amusing options when hiring stunning, independent call girls in Islamabad. They know how to help so that you can have the best possible time. If you live in Islamabad and are seeking for someone to lighten your evening, hire these girls. It is possible to have services for a shorter period of time in addition to a full night. These call girls are so prevalent in Islamabad that people from all over the city are having a great time with them. By hiring these women, you can improve your relationship with your spouse by giving them some autonomy.
It’s essential to comprehend GVWR and payload for safe vehicle operation! How do you figure out and keep track of your cars’ GVWR and payload capacities?
Our barbiedolls.online Call Girls Agency and enjoy the beautiful moments of your life. You can bring one of these well-known Independent Call Girls as a girlfriend. Visit barbiedolls.online if you want to date a young beautiful woman. Don’t be afraid to call us; we’ll help you to arrange a beautiful night out or a date with your selected dream partner from our website. We can give you the lady of your dreams every day of the week and many happy customers have praised our services. Our High-profile Call Girls who come from all over the Pakistan have helped many of our VIP clients to fulfill all of their Sexual pleasures.
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This spread sheet is awesome! i’ve been going back and looking at so many vehicle and trailer combos. I used your sheet and updated it to have another tab for vehicle and another tab for trailer. Now you just drop an “X” into your select on each and it’ll tell you if you can tow or not.
Discover a world of imagination and play at our toy website! From classic favorites to the latest trends, we offer a diverse selection of toys that inspire creativity and joy in children of all ages. Explore our curated collection today and find the perfect toy for every occasion.
Our Karachiescort.agency agency offers many different adult services to meet their clients’ wants. Their service is solid and doesn’t cost a lot. They are also very skilled and quiet. You can be sure you’re getting the best service because they don’t show their faces or names on their websites. They are always ready to meet your sex needs, and they can give you just the right amount of sexual fun. Karachi’s call girls are very smart and well-educated, and they know how to make your dreams come true. Not only will these girls give you a great time, they can also help you find your way around the city. Also, you can take them with you on vacations and special events. These call girls come from a range of backgrounds, such as being college students or housewives. They also have a great attitude and look great. Set up a meeting with one of these girls if you’re sick of the fake world and want real love. Please call us at 03272111153.
If you want to find call girls in Islamabad Our agency, Seharhayat.online, is ready to help you. Just call 03081633338. Here is a list of some of the best checked and approved phone numbers that will let you get any service you want! Get in touch with us right away if this sounds like what you need next! Our agency in Islamabad offers the best experience where happiness meets affordability. There are many kinds of call girls in the city.
Claim your prize now!
One of the reasons why where dating is not openly accepted, some people turn to call girls as a way to fulfill their emotional and physical needs. Call girls provide a safe and discreet way for individuals to explore their desires without facing judgment or scrutiny from others.
You can find your perfect partner in mischief or in bed among these lovely young women. Our Karachi call girls can come to you or you can come to them. We’ll put you in touch with hot free spirits and girls who travel the world who want to show you a good time. Tell us whether you want the women to come to our house or to your five-star hostel, and we’ll make the appropriate arrangements.
Hey there. It’s very well written. I’ll remember that and come back to read more of your helpful posts. Thanks for writing this. I’m going to return.
Lahore, the cultural capital of Pakistan, is a city known for its vibrant energy, rich history, and diverse population. In recent years, the city has also gained notoriety for its thriving call girl industry. Call girls in Lahore offer companionship and entertainment to clients in exchange for payment. While this industry is not unique to Lahore, the city’s call girls are renowned for their beauty, charm, and discretion.
The Lahore call girl industry operates in a largely underground manner, with agencies and independent workers catering to a wide range of clients. These clients can range from local businessmen and politicians to foreign tourists and expats looking for companionship during their stay in the city. The services offered by Lahore call girls vary from intimate encounters to social outings, with rates depending on the duration and type of service requested.
While the call-girl industry in Islamabad provides a source of income for many women, it is important to acknowledge the societal and ethical issues surrounding this profession. Many Islamabad Call Girls come from disadvantaged backgrounds and may be forced into the industry due to economic hardships. Additionally, the stigma and discrimination faced by call girls can have a lasting impact on their mental and emotional well-being.
In conclusion, the Islamabad call girl industry is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that reflects the intersection of culture, economics, and social dynamics in the city. While it offers opportunities for women to earn a living and provides companionship to clients, it is crucial to address the underlying issues of exploitation and inequality that may exist within this industry. As a society, it is important to have open and honest conversations about the realities of the call girl industry in Lahore and work towards creating a more equitable and just society for all individuals involved.
Hello everyone, get set to lead amazing VIP escorts in lahore. Our independent Lahore Escorts are the best option if you wish to experience a mystical touch on your body.
OMG the call girl was even better. She was beautiful, charming and easy to engage with.
The evening I spent with the call girls in Lahore was memorable. Her beauty, charm, and professionalism made it an experience I’ll never forget.
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The escort industry in Lahore, as in many parts of the world, operates in a complex environment influenced by tradition, modernity, and the urban lifestyle. Although Pakistan is predominantly a conservative society, the rising urbanization and globalization have led to the emergence of various adult services, including escorting. Escorts in Lahore cater to a diverse clientele, including locals, expatriates, and tourists seeking companionship, ranging from casual dates to more intimate encounters. These services often flourish in anonymity, utilizing online platforms and social media for advertising and communication.
You have come to the right place if you want to find the most polite call girl in Lahore who will give you unique services that are both intense and enjoyable. Our hot call girl is well-behaved, highly competent, and has a great sense of humor, so you’re sure to have a great time. lahore girls are very good at all sorts of services and will make sure that all of your needs are met. If you book our high-class Lahore call girls you’ll have a night full of love and pleasure.
Our Call girls in Karachi will move you to have a reasonable time so that you will not duplicate your great experiences with her. Search for different types of escorts through our website and determine which kind of girl is the perfect choice for your body. Whenever you speak and are clear about what you want from our girl, it is a mere matter of getting down to work
Wondering how you got the hitch weight?
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Our Young Prostitutes in Lahore are more than talented to visit the exact spots and the travel industry to animate you. So, you can feel free with them, From arousing foreplay, BDSM, sex, Erotic back rub, French kissing. Is it true that you are looking for the best Prostitution office?
Call Girls Asker Villas in Lahore is a prestigious housing society known for its high-end properties and exclusive amenities. However, like many upscale areas, it also has a darker side with the presence of call girls offering services to the residents and visitors. These call girls operate discreetly, often through word of mouth or online […]
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Call Girls in Lahore are the most popular and demanding escorts in the entire world. People from all across the globe come to Lahore in order to get a chance to meet and spend time with these beautiful ladies.
We’re different from the competition for a variety of reasons You can call us and ask for Call Girl Near Me to Get best options available for Call Girl Near Me. to Get the best options available for Call Girl Near Me. Our service is both professional and discreet. Our service is both professional and discreet. We realize that some customers want to keep their use of Call Girl Islamabad a secret. Our service stands out from the competition because it is more personable, discreet, and dependable. Because of this, we take special precautions to protect the privacy of all of our customers data. We are your best option if you want a real call lady.
Welcome to the most popular escort agency in Islamabad. We provide college girls,teenage girls,and actress girls. My top agency in Islamabad. We provide fast service.
Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful.
Excellent work, your passion for the subject is evident.
Excellent work, your passion for the subject is evident.
Thank you for taking the time to publish this information very useful.
Hello everyone, get set to lead amazing VIP escorts in lahore. Our independent Lahore Escorts are the best option if you wish to experience a mystical touch on your body.
, your passion for the subject is evident.
good blog i very like
When discussing the topic of escorts in Lahore, it is essential to approach the subject with sensitivity, professionalism, and an understanding of the cultural nuances involved. Lahore, as a vibrant metropolis, features a diverse array of social interactions and cultural dynamics. Below are several ideas that delve into different aspects of this topic:
Great to see a focus on GVWR and payload—these are crucial topics for anyone involved in vehicle safety and performance! Understanding these concepts helps ensure that we are not only compliant but also making informed decisions when it comes to transporting loads. I appreciate the proactive approach to addressing the top questions and creating a spreadsheet to assist with calculations.
As we dive into the details, let’s also remember the importance of balancing our responsibilities with our spiritual needs. Keeping up with “Luton Prayer Times” can provide a grounding rhythm in our busy lives, ensuring we remain connected to our faith while tackling the technical aspects of vehicle management. Looking forward to more insights.
Lastly, it is pivotal to look at the economic dimensions of escorting. For some individuals, becoming an escort may represent a viable source of income and financial independence. An exploration of how economic factors drive individuals into the industry, and the potential for empowerment within this context, can provide a broader understanding of their choices. Recognizing the diverse motivations, including personal circumstances and economic necessity, is crucial to fostering an empathetic view of those engaged in escort work.
Lahore, as one of Pakistan’s largest cities, is a melting pot of diverse cultures and traditions. Its rich historical background, coupled with rapid modernization, has created a unique sociocultural environment. The call girl industry often challenges conventional social mores, prompting debates on women’s rights, personal agency, and societal norms. Many women involved in the profession may view their work as a means of economic empowerment, while others may enter the industry under duress or due to socio-economic constraints.
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Hi there
Hi everyone
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Thank you for coming to Karachi. The name of the city used to be Madras. It is a very pretty city that leads to call girls in Karachi. People say that Karachi has a lot of different cultures, but this one stands out the most. Our streets are lovely, and everyone is welcome here, no matter what race or class they are. We hope you have as much fun as we do here in the capital Karachi call girls.
Get the best Escorts services in Islamabad from our top-rated Escorts Agency. As one of the premier Escorts Agency in the city, we offer unmatched Escorts Service in Islamabad. The Escorts on our team are always ready to give you one-of-a-kind experiences that will make your time in Islamabad fun and memorable. Whether you’re looking for company or a one-of-a-kind experience, our trained women are committed to giving you the best service in this beautiful city.
You can find the most beautiful, smart, and charming Call Girls in Karachi. We push all of our girls to be the best because we know that our clients only want the best. Someone is here for everyone, whether you need a date for an important event or just want to hang out with someone.
Want to find the best Islamabad call girls? You’re in the right spot. We can help you find great call girls in Islamabad. They can help you with many things. We have what you need, whether you want to go out with someone for the night or need women for a party. You don’t have to worry about your safety or privacy when you’re with our call girls because they do great work.
Lahorewomen.online is the safe and best place to find the real independent escort in Lahore. Your normal price gets you world-class service from a well-known and popular escort’s service. The business promises you happiness and the best service. Today, you spend most of your time at work and don’t have time for yourself. People are mostly sad and dissatisfied with their lives because of this. Because he is unable to offer himself time, which is very important for a person.
Our beautiful escorts in Islamabad cater to a list of varied types of services exclusively for you in various locations present at multiple parts of the city as outcall bookings, as well as incall bookings if you want her in your own bed. You can call us anytime and ask us to have arranged the supreme quality College Call Girls in Islamabad for you anywhere you want.
Karachi Call Girls offer an exciting way to experience the city with a new group. These beautiful girls from a private college come at a low cost. They will give you an unforgettable experience. Their services include cat dining, dancing and drinking. Our staff members are highly qualified. They ensure you have a great experience. Plus, they keep any personal information you share with them confidential. With Call Girls at your side, you can explore the city on your own terms while having a catchy time!