Living 24/7 with your spouse or family, peacefully
Before we hit the road fulltime, one of our biggest concerns was how we were all going to get along in a small space. After all, it wasn’t exactly easy in a large home when the kids were in school and we had plenty of time apart.
In this podcast, we both come to the table with three ideas that may help you when traveling or getting through quarantine!
Take the episode to go and listen on iTunes. Coming to Spotify shortly.
Platinum Ginger Studios!
Topics discussed:
- The Golden Rule does not apply to relationships
- What are you bringing to the table?
- Have important conversations about what you need, when you don’t need it!
- Creating personal space even when space is limited
- Have a premeditated plan for how you will respond to avoid reacting
- Focus on the bright spots
Books Mentioned in this Podcast:
As Trish mentioned in this podcast, what are you bringing to the table? Meaning, what are we learning and focusing on to move the conversation forward? Often when we’re not focused on growth and instructional information it’s easy to succumb to talking about people, gossip and conversations that are not aligned with your dreams and goals.
Below is a list of the books mentioned in this podcast:
- The Five Love Languages – Book or Audible
- The Four Tendencies – Book or Audible
- Personality Plus – Book or Audible
- Parenting with Love & Logic by Jim Fay – Book or Audible
- Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins – Book or Audible
Did you like this podcast? What did you learn? What suggestions do you have to help get along with your spouse, partner or family? Leave your comments below!
Really enjoyed this podcast. We sat in our motorhome, in the driveway, and listened to all the great advice you were giving. We have been married 28 years this May and love listening to you two communicate with each other which is the key to our marriage. Thanks for sharing and we look forward to listening to more.
Enjoyed the podcast. Good hints on what to talk about as a couple and what not to.
So glad to see you guys continuing the podcast! You’re a staple in our house, and I love being able to take you with me in this format too. Talk about anything you want…I’m so here for it. Yay, Platinum Ginger Studios!!
I so enjoyed this – my first one! I would love it if we could see you. Does it defeat the idea of a podcast? Not sure. Pete and Maddie on YouYube do a podcast show. I just love the connection that is created when we see you and your facial expressions, body language – it makes such a difference. No editing…. just you. Thanks for sharing – huge value.💞
I was SO excited when I saw that another podcast episode was added, thank you! The part about acknowledging to each other when you have to do something you don’t really want to do but deciding to go in with a good attitude really resonated with me. I think that makes it feel more like you are doing it as a team.
Can’t wait for the next episode. I also agree that the unedited versions are great!
Thanks! We love feedback on the podcasts.
Great podcast. Nice break from reading everything Covid-19. Our 1st 2 weeks of sheltering in place happened in our GD Solitude where we were on our way to selling our house….which we have since delayed. We moved partially back to our big empty house to ride out the storm. The kids actually liked being in the 400 sq ft rig better. In this big house we end up going to our 4 corners and not communicating as much! Takes more effort to show interest in each other. Love the mission idea. My mom is so against our trip because she thinks we lose the chance for our kids to have life long friends, in her mind. Facetime has been a huge game changer. Anyways, nice break from the Covid bombardment! Stay safe! The Maynard’s in Reno, NV.
I agree. I think the community as a whole is ready to get going again!
Thank you for this podcast! I learned a lot for myself, living alone. But I also shared with my two adult daughters with children. I think they will enjoy this format, your comments and anecdotes. Look forward to more.
I really enjoy the “just a bunch of friends hanging out” podcast! My kids are out of the house but everything still applies. People ask how could I let them go away so young (17yo, college across the country) and my reply is that we only borrow these little people until they can do it on their own. Then, wind them up and watch them go! So many true words and I’m thankful to hear them in this kind of conversation. Thank you & keep doing what you do!
I so enjoyed this – my first one! I would love it if we could see you. Does it defeat the idea of a podcast? Not sure. Pete and Maddie on YouYube do a podcast show. I just love the connection that is created when we see you and your facial expressions, body language – it makes such a difference. No editing…. just you. Thanks for sharing – huge value.💞
Loved the podcast. Listened to it while working from home shhhh. My husband and I have such a good relationship based on always being respectful of each other. Still say please and thank you. It’s so easy to be kind and thoughtful. Listening to each others ideas and feelings. Hope our kids learned by us.
You two are such genuine people. It is so hard to find genuine people these days. I love what kinds of conversations you choose to have. About adventures, goals, and things that matter. Not people or drama, as you said. I have a friend who lately is always is talking about other people. People I may know and even ones I don’t know! I honestly don’t care, but I have no idea how to tell them. I usually change the subject, or remove myself from the conversation. Ever listen to Ed Mylett? He did a podcast about it. He said I don’t have to tell them. I should just be kind, and eventually concise. I look forward to getting back on the road as I am sure you are too! Thank you for giving me something positive to listen to and enjoy!
Thanks! We’re glad you’re here. The KYD Community is the best. I agree with Ed. Usually, people go to people that participate. If you listen, but not participate in the gossip or criticism, the conversion will change over time. It may require you to bring more to the table with things to talk about so you don’t resort to the default conversation. Much like Jim Fay Love and Logic, “Oh… geez. That sounds frustrating, what are you going to do about it?” 😉 Or “Wow, I can’t believe that. What did they say when you told them that? Oh, you didn’t? Sound like you should be talking to them and not me”. I’m sure there are good books on this.
Great podcast!!
Living in an RV no matter what the size is a true test not only about how much you Love each other but how much you really like each other! We have found that just taking a walk alone, or just going to the store alone can give you the alone time you need. For me just going into the bedroom and closing the door is good! Keep up the good work guys!
I really appreciate all that you do with the videos, podcasts, and gear lists. This has helped my wife and I get prepared for our first RV trip, which lasted 6 weeks. Just the two of us were together and while you never know exactly how that’s going to go (even after 39 years of marriage), we had a blast and can’t wait to go on the next trip. A lot of this was due to being well prepared by watching your videos. Thanks again!
Great podcast. Thank You !!!
Loved the podcast. I really enjoyed the part about continuing to bring something to the table. My husband and I are always trying to grow together but remembering to grow yourself so you have something to bring to the table is an awesome idea! Thanks for always being so real with us! It’s the best part!
You have prepared yourselves for retirement. Married 46 years and both retired for 4 years. It is possible❤️
Great content. Always love to hear your insight. I definitely need to work on my response. Sometimes my business feels like Hell’s kitchen and my spouse gets my wrath all to often. In my defense she loves to ask questions while I’m involved in tasks but we make it work. She takes great care of me.
I though the golden rule was “he who has the gold, rules!” Probably still applies…:-)
Loved the Podcast. Very helpful information even for people in the conventional everyday life and not currently RVing. Found your channel way back on Season 1 when you were on your way down the East coast to Florida. Your channel has help get me through some really tough times. Please know that your reach far surpasses the RVing community. Love seeing your family change and watching the kids as they mature and start making their way out into the world. Keep up the great work. Stay safe and God Bless.
Its comments like yours that keep us motivated for the long-term and future of KYD. Thanks for your feedback.
You are most welcome. Looking forward to being along for the ride long term as well. ????
Great Podcast! Started listening with my husband and was pausing and talking about some of the topics. I definitely am the one who needs alone time, either by going for a run (we do run together sometimes as well), mowing the grass (put my head phones in and either play music or an audiobook). With my husband a police officer and I work for a gym owned by a hospital we are still working. Our gym is closed by the employees there are now making face shields (so far 2,300) and gowns (so far 3,000 with a goal of 10,000) for our hospitals. Your podcasts and videos are always a joyful time to relax and talk about what we are looking towards in the future. Our 14 & 11 year daughters love it as well. Thank you for sharing your family with us.
Love your podcast and yours was the first RV utube. that I started following. Always uplifting with beautiful photography giving me inspiration. I had to share this also…male brain and female brain you described is from “Laugh your way to a better Marriage.” Great video! I highly recommend.
Thanks for all your ways of sharing with the world. ????
Lol. That’s it. It was a great talk!
Awesome!!!! the only good thing that coming out of Covid-19 is that the podcast is back….Yeah great job guys love this format please keep it up.. God Bless
Mark Gungor…The difference between Men & Women. Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage.
Men’s brains are like boxes…only one can be opened at a time
Women’s brains are like a ball of wires…everything is related to everything else.
I truly loved listening to both of you interact with each other. If there is one thing my husband of 10 years has taught me is tone. …Not only verbally, but tone through action. Like slamming doors vs gently closing them, .or screaming vs using a soft voice. You see we come from experience- he 21 years and I 23 years in a broken relationship. We we’re COLLEGE SWEET I978. We both love spending time with each other. You see on January 15, 2020, I went out for my regular running route and I nearly lost my life being mauled by 2 dogs. They were literally eating me alive!! Now even more so, We PRACTICE KINDNESS. OH, and we cannot wait to be able to begin RVing one month or week at a time. We live in Martindale,, Texas – on the San Marcos River we are about 45 mins from Georgetown. We are both retired. ????????????????????????????????????
Keep Your Day dreaming going
Poke, and Zinger coming…..NOT….Just a heart felt Thanks for all the Great Content you continue to contribute and give to the world. I know it is a job to do what you do, but for those of us who drink the KYD Koolaid it is a gift you give us. Just a heart felt thank you. You where just what my husband and I needed, this week has been really a hard one. And oh BTW welcome to the airstream world….I think your gonna love your new rig. Magazine storage bins work great in those curved upper storage bins. And also cut and fit boxes to tilt outward work too for things as you go down the road and you don’t want them to fall out on you upon entry or open.
I loved this conversation! It sounds a bit strange but I feel like we’re friends with you guys even though we’ve never met! It seems like we have a lot of parallel conversations (ours are over morning coffee). Who knows – maybe one day we can all sit around a campfire together!
Let us know if you head up to Alberta one day ????
Charity and Justin Beadow
Loved the podcast, both the format and the content. We went for a walk today and listened together, stopping the podcast to talk about things as you did so we didn’t forget. So much resonated. We have been full-timing in a very small space (first 16 ft TT, now 24), but I feel like we can always learn and improve. Plus I’m not a huge fan of reading about these topics, so I especially like when you pull out the highlights for us! Thanks for all you do. We really appreciate it!
First off, kudos on another excellent podcast. Nothing brightens my day faster than when you put out something new. Since you mentioned ‘The Four Tendencies’, I was just curious which ones you fall into?
I love the comment at the end about drama on YouTube I watched a video today I will not name the couple but they were making a big deal about having a water leak and the water leak took up 30 seconds and involve a couple of hose clamps. The rest of the time was just wasting my time talking about nothing. I post videos about travel. I don’t want to wast your time with problems I’m having. I also avoided teaching because there is so much of that already.
Thanks so much for bringing the podcast back. Love the raw, unedited format. You two have been SO inspirational for my wife and I. We learn something new every time we listen or watch, and feel we get one step closer to realizing our dream. Hope to hit the road early next year!
The podcast is back? Yay!
I love the idea of stating what you need before you need it, not during the moment. I’m going to try incorporating this not only in my personal life but my work life as well. It makes so much sense!
Thanks for being true.
I really enjoyed this podcast. It was full of great practical ideas and even though I’ve been married to the same man for almost 50 years, I learned a lot. My only quibble is your discussion of the golden rule. I don’t think the “golden rule” means doing for someone else what you would like for yourself. It means treating other people like you would like to be treated, which means trying to respect and love them and meet their needs as best you can, not “I like this, so you must too.” Watch your YouTube channel every week and really enjoy it as well.
First time listening. Great topic with great ideas!
Hi Mark and Trish:-)
I love the new structure of your Podcast. This topic was a great one too! I enjoy reading and was motivated to pick up a self growth book thanks to your comments. I have a possible topic for a Podcast: BLM camping!! I currently bought my Class C (thanks to your channel) and although I cannot immediately go full-time, I do want to go camping as much as possible. I also want to keep my cost down, hence the question about BLM. I recently started doing some research but it is pretty overwhelming. Some questions I have are: how do I find a BLM site (I’ve found areas through different apps but I don’t know how to find an actual site), safety aspects (I will be a solo female RVer) and lastly, are there any other low cost options for camping sites?
Thank you in advance for the information:-)
Love this so much!! So timely considering the current shelter in place. We are not full time rv’ers but I do have a dream 🙂 and love following you!
With SIP, I realize I have never spent this much 24/7 time with my husband, and we’ve been married for almost 40 years! I feel like I’m in uncharted territory. This podcast was so helpful with some great recommendations. Already downloaded one of the book recommendations. Great job!!
Thank you again!
It makes me so happy that you have returned to your PodCast its my go to when i’m out walking. My husband and i have dreamed of spending our retirement years traveling ( we live in Canada) i’m ready so i’m so grateful to have your You Tube channel to watch , learn and plan for when that day does come. Oh by the way Mark sounds just like my husband when he gets something planed out in his mind he dives in with 100% determination and it does not waver..:D
When we sold the 2400 sf house to go fulltime in a 400 sf motor home, all our friends said, “How are you not going to kill each other being together all the time in that small space?” That was and still is never a problem for us. We discovered what you DO need to work out is how you handle unexpected changes, problems, issues. They WILL come up living on the road, (low clearance overpass, no fuel stops near here, what is broken on the rig today) How you fairly deal with these surprises is key!
Thank you. Honestly, you guys could host a marriage/family conference. This podcast was great. Scott and I have been married 22 years and parent two teens, one in college and one at home. Everything in your podcast is relevant to everything we do as a couple and as parents, living in an RV or a house. It’s just good materiel. We’re working towards our own dreams and it can be scary, but we know as long as we’re on the same page, we’ll be fine.
Great job guys! One of the best “Ted talks” on relationship/marriage I have heard. Glad to part of the KYD family
Hey guys, thanks a lot for the video’s and the Podcasts. We are also sitting in our driveway walking around our class C. Your videos have been an inspiration to get out there and travel. Once this CV’s butt gets kicked that is what we are going to do. In the meantime we are getting the MovingTargetRV in ship shape all the while listening to you guys for ideas. Thanks again and we hope to see you when the rubber hits the road!
Funny and informative- thanks lovely people ????
LOVE ❤️ your UNedited chat format! Keep them coming please….and thank you!
My wife Linda and I love your videos and podcasts. Your previous 50+ minute “conversation” podcast goes by really fast and isn’t too long at all. You both keep the topics realistic and attainable and explain very well you just have to put the efforts in. We are not RVR’S yet but are planning on purchasing a camper we can pull with a Jeep. Yea sorry to see you sold your Jeep! We are Jeep people. But the new truck is beautiful! Please keep the podcast going as they inspire action more than you both likely know. I’m a charge ahead personalty and my wife is super conservative and cautious. We balance well. You guys come across to the listener full of confidence, no egos, just grounded truths about your journey. Very inspiring and frankly I’m using you both to push us towards our own journey! Be safe!
Hey there! Hello from Montreal, Quebec!
Love the Podcasts! Please keep ’em coming! I find your content and perspective very interesting. I’ve been following your YouTube channel for about 18 months – binge watched the first few seasons in a couple of weeks. We’ve been week-end (summer) campers with our kids forever. They are all grown up now. Although full-time travel is not in the cards for several years, we are hoping to get some longer trips in during summers (I am a teacher and that is the only real time for me until I retire), starting with a cross-Canada trip to see our son this summer. I’ve just joined the KYD community and look forward to more content!
Thanks for all you do for the RV community 🙂
That’s great. Did you see the road shot in the last video? I’m pretty sure we were leaving Montreal in that shot. We’ll be back that way this year, but we’ll be just passing through.
Marc and Trish,
Loved this podcast, it’s like you were speaking my love language ;). As a Clinical Counselor working with middle schoolers your reference to Love and Logic is much appreciated.
Years ago I co-taught a parenting class on these concepts and the positive changes in those families was so encouraging.
And the segment about personality types, needs and timing conversations, spot on, loved it! My husband and I (25 years together) learned early on that I’m an ESFJ and he’s an INTP, and we have very different needs. But we balance each other so well. Please keep up the wonderful podcasts and enlightening content. Thank you so much and take care!
Thanks for sharing your story! We are a young family and very much in the “start where you’re at” stage. My question relates to the evolution of your relationship. Have you always been this in sync and well tuned into each other? I consider my marriage to be strong, yet it’s a journey. One that’s gotten easier now that all children are sleeping through the night! In all seriousness though, thank you for sharing a model of a healthy relationship. Watching couples like you is like utilizing the bumpers in bowling alleys: you keep us on track and headed in the right direction!
Love, love you guys! My husband has NEVER listened to podcasts and we recently returned from our first long RV adventure and told him you two are WORTH listening to! I truly believe you two are making a difference in our lives. Thank you!!
Love the relaxed vibe of the podcast! The content is very valuable and relevant to most of us and our loves! even us weekenders! The only advice I have that maybe helpful drawing from years of audio engineering and making music, Trista’s audio level isn’t very “even” and we love that she is so much fun and we wouldn’t want that! So maybe compression a “compressor” on the signal used to even out the volume. It is very hard to get consistent Good sound over the many different formats listeners will be using, computers, phones, Bluetooth speakers, car stereos, home stereos. Some thoughts thank you both for all you do to help make our world a better place
I really didn’t want to listen to this episode. My relationship with my spouse has not been that great lately. I didn’t want to listen to an hour of how wonderful your life is and compare it with my not so great life. Instead of shaming and/or bragging, you two just chatted about what has and has not worked for you. It was friendly, approachable and affirming. It gave me a chance to take a breath and say “I can do that.” Thank you for your time and your willingness to share.
Thank you for such a great pod cast! I have never been a pod cast listener but decided to give it a try because we love your YouTube channel! We are currently driving across Kansas headed to Colorado with our kids and our camper and this podcast gave my husband and I something to do to pass the time and it sparked so much conversation between us! Great thoughts and ideas!
So have you had marriage counseling in the past or you just figured it out on your own?
We’ve just read a lot and probably a bit lucky.
My favorite podcast!
I’ve got it saved and have re-listen to it several times. The whole “don’t treat your spouse the way you want to be treated but the way they want to be” was a big ah-ha moment. I’m paying more attention to the signals/signs that my spouse put out so I can follow through.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Love the information in the podcast! I am glad to see the book reference. Thanks so much for sharing. We retired in Dec of 2018 and purchased our first travel trailer July 2019. Started small, learning a lot and having a great time!
Hello! Thank you for these podcasts, I’d love to hear more as they give me a sense of community out here on the road. Especially from the other end of the spectrum: solo full time RVing.
I jumped in head first and love full time RV life. I’m a 31 y/o solo female towing a travel trailer and loneliness sets in from time to time. Do others feel the same and what helps?
Hello, wanted to say my family just found you guys a few months ago on YouTube. Now that I have to drive back to the office every day, I was looking for more podcasts to listen to and was excited to see that you have one as well. I really liked the format and recent podcast 2.0 episodes. We have watched several full time RV YouTubers and your channel is the one that most resonated with my wife. Trish’s organization videos is what got her hooked, and the airstream.
So happy the podcast is back. I enjoy the relaxed format. We aren’t RVers… yet. Seems to me a great way to travel. Beats hotels of unknown cleanliness and constant eating out. This episode gave me tools for my husband’s retirement in a few years. I was wondering how to make so much time together work! I love him dearly and don’t want to spend the first few months trying to figure out how to make it all work. You’ve given us lots of good advice. Thank you!
I love these podcast. They let me do and think as I’m working on something else but also that alone time. 39 years of marriage and 1 year of dating and I can say withour a doubt know your partners style. You hit that right on the nose. The other thing I believe that is really important is committing yourself to work things out. Its so easy to give up on a relationship or dream. The dream can change and relationships definitely do over time. We’re just a couple years from retirement and being able to travel a bit more. What i love most about your style is you don’t denigrate others or sensationalize content to get listeners and viewers.
I have a feeling that Mark has many lists in his life. Because everything seems to come out quite eloquently. Great job!
Wow! Great show – loved this! You guys have a way of keeping it real and keeping it interesting. So glad we found your shows. Thanks for the great info
I finally got back to listening to podcasts this month (week?) and listened to the January one again (the best!) and loved this one next.
You hinted with the KYD Insiders about a workout channel, and in this podcast mentioned something about building a 55 days to build good habits program (I think I heard that?). You both would have quite a bit to contribute here and would have quite a few paying participants, myself included. I know it is hard to do two jobs however!
I left corporate world in October, we decided to move cross country to Colorado. We moved in to a rental in December, I started my own freelance consulting company in January, moved to a new house in March. Then Covid. I have struggling with a lack of discipline (other than being a workaholic) all my life. It’s like I over do it in one area and under do it in another in retaliation. I think I need some structure, more than “I work between these hours.” This has definitely hurt my health as I mainly sit or stand at the desk all day and at age 54 can’t get away with that like I used to All this to say, I enjoy working out in group classes because of the motivation from the group, the time commitment etc. Under Covid, now I need to work out on my own and practice healthy habits at home, so I’d love some ideas around community or personal coaching here as we are entering a new life reality.
Again – we love you guys and love your travels! And those drone shots!
Loved this episode! I am all about self improvement and this episode reminded me to continue owning my growth! Thanks for the reminder and the tips in using podcasts, YouTube, etc. Personal development is so important to get to your why and happiness. Whatever you feed grows and whatever you stare dies. Feed yourself with you passion and focus on confining things that will prosper you! Love getting to the basics and just turning on the mic!
Hello, we are first time listeners and got some good ideas from your podcast.. Somewhere along minute 41 Marc mentioned the sound of the water pump. Currently we are doing a massive floor renovation on our RV floor due to a water leak somewhere along the plumbing line. We should have paid attention earlier to the sound of the water pump operating when we were not running the water. Hopefully that is not the case on your RV but still thought worth to share.
Love all of your content!! I’m new to you guys and I can’t consume enough – podcasts, YouTube etc.
So my question, and I’ll be very delicate with it, but I think it is important under the theme of relationships. Living in such a closed environment with your family where space is a premium, how do you deal with, um, the intimacy portion of a couple’s relationship? Where do you find private time with each other?
Hopefully this question doesn’t get lost given this podcast was a few months ago.
Hello Marc and Trish!
We just found you and are excited to delve into your archives! Love your reading list and the idea of coming together in conversation with ideas that motivate and inspire. Unlike many who are not traveling due to the Coronavirus, it is the virus that prompted us to purchase our first travel trailer as a “safe” way to visit two of our adult kids who each live over 1000 miles west of us and over 800 miles from each other. We have but one month to research, plan, and pack; and then we’ll be on the road for a month. We have already learned much from your YouTube videos and will continue to use you as a resource. We appreciate you and your generous sharing of experience.
We started RV-ing to get out of the house during COVID… We went from looking to renting one for couple weeks to let’s buy one and to do some research I came across your family’s YouTube channel and we are hooked! We love following your family’s adventures and where you have been and parenting skills. We started off by hitting the road a day after picking up our class C and your videos have been so much help! Every time we get back home I would binge watch all your videos so I can plan our next trip… Now that we are out on our 3rd RV trip driving cross country to the east coast to visit families I remembered hearing that you guys had a Podcast so I started listening in and I LOVE hearing you guys stories and advice and jokes and all while we’re driving! So I’m making sure to comment on it to make sure you guys keep making podcast! We have 2 boys, 8 and 11. With both boys doing remote learning and all sports on hold, we are going to be hitting the road more than ever! We decided 2020 is about making Lemonade!!! Thank you so much for being so positive and motivating! Love watching and listening to your family! Happy travels! And we hope to cross your path one day! Thank you again!
A great series of videos on YouTube that touch on Marc’s men vs women comment is Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage. Wonderful podcast!
Hi friends! (I’m just going to go ahead and consider us friends, even though we’ve never spoken!) My husband and I have 3 kids ages 4, 6, and 7 and we are Canadian summer warriors! My husband is a teacher, so we are blessed to have summers off!
I just listened through this podcast episode, immediately sent it to my husband, and jumped over to this comment section to say thank you! I didn’t think I could love you guys more, but now I do! I hope you can continue with the podcast content! What a joy to listen. Can’t wait to check out your recommended books!
I usually walk while listening to a podcast and when the podcast is done, so is my walk. Was so moved and inspired by your latest podcast that when it was done I tuned into the previous podcast and kept walking-doubling my walk!! Great content-shared it with my husband-keep sharing!
I took so MANY notes on this podcast and shared it with my adult children (all in their 20s)!
First thing that hit home BIG TIME…
Two things that bring you down: talking about people or the news!
This is so true! Goal this year!!! These 2 topics will be removed from my conversations! I already feel better just making the decision to take this action!
The other topic that hit home with me was being VERY careful the type of information we digest! I really do not like watching movies, every now and then there may be one that motivates me or brings some value to my life but for the most part I am moving forward and following my heart and eliminating movies 🎥 from my life!
There are so many more valuable productive things I could be doing to improve my life!
Marc and Trish, thank you so much for what you do and for all the quality content! ♡
PS The book, Love & Logic, wow! Wish I would have had this book raising my kids…but I will be sharing it with others.
I just want to say “Thank you” for all your advice on RVing, living in small spaces together, inspiring adventures in so many families, and the possitive content that you provide. You guys are a rainbow in the storm of media. Hope to see you on the road.
I truly appreciate the vulnerability of your podcasts. thank you
Yes! Yes! And more yes on having more hour long conversations! I just found the podcast and live it. Got a lot of back episodes to cover but the ones I like best are the conversations between you two. I love hearing ideas and fleshing out answers to problems the way you guys do. Appreciate your openness as well as your caring so much for your community of followers. Excited to “get to know you” through the podcasts and YTs.
Fantastic episode. Helpful for those of us not on the road yet. Love your content.
I periodically come in to the website with hopes that you’ve done another conversation between yourselves. I really like that format and get a lot from it. You probably will never have time to keep the podcast going with all you have going on, but know that many of us really like it and appreciate your insights. Keep rolling with all you do – I enjoy that too.
BTW – you two amaze me that you never say “um” or “uh”. It’s like you were professional speakers from birth.